Rhayader (1859)

This small county (Radnorshire) of 25,000 inhabitants has long since ceased to be Welsh in language. For many reasons, it has not been so well supplied with an enlightened ministry as some other counties. To supply this lack, home mission­aries* have been located at different points; and it is grati­fying to be able to state that signs of an awakening have been witnessed within the last few months in some of the towns, and in several of the villages.

A correspondent at Rhayader writes—" One of the most remarkable things is the disappearance of drunkenness. Some of the most noted drunkards have not only joined the Total Abstinence Society, but also the Church of Christ, and for some months past their conduct has been irreproachable. We do indeed rejoice,' but it is with trembling.' "

From ‘The Welsh Revival’ by Thomas Phillips.



In the year 1904 when the Welsh Revival broke out all the churches in the district where William lived, they decided to meet together to pray for an outpouring to reach their part. They met in a Wesleyan School room after the Sunday morning service. It began in a very cold formal way. Mr So-and-so was asked to pray, Deacon so-and-so was asked to pray and so on. It went on like that for nearly an hour, when at last a man at the back of the room fell down on his knees and poured out his soul in prayer. He had only been converted a week, but as he prayed, everyone in the room realised that someone else had control of the meeting. Young and old prayed and one could feel the Holy Spirit moving around the room. At last, William cried out: “God be merciful to me a sinner” God heard that cry and immediately he became a new creature in Christ. He said that he felt that he was walking with his feet off the ground. From that moment his one desire was that others should find the same joy and peace that he had found.

(This account was sent by a man whose grandmother wrote about it).


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