Some months ago we commenced what we called a monthly meeting. On the day it was held we had a meeting for prayer at 8 o'clock in the morning; two short sermons at 10; at two a meeting was held, in which ministers and member spoke promiscuously upon a given subject; and at six in the evening A sermon or two of a practical tendency was again delivered. The first of these meetings was held at Hirwaun. The subject for the promiscuous address at two was the "awfully dangerous position of old heroes of the gospel." Many of those speakers were overpowered by the intensity of their own feelings and sat down Bathed in tears. The result of this meeting was, that a great many joined the church, both young and old and the good work continues. At Ebeneezer church, the awakening has been truly extraordinary. Hundreds, under the deepest impression, have been added to the church. The oldest members say they have never seen anything like this. There I have seen old Christians of 40, 50 and 60 years standing in the church – men of undoubted piety and of Weighty character – over filled with joy, get up in the middle of the sermon, prayer meeting or the sacrament and praise God aloud, invite sinners to the saviour and sing most sweetly the praises of the Lamb. Some of them are carried so far as to jump. I have been a church member for 24 years and the Minister for 13 and I have never seen before jumping in the church I must say that as it was characteristic of the old Welsh revivals I'm very glad that I have seen a genuine and a powerful specimen of it.
From, 'The Revival Newspaper', Volume i, December 3rd 1859, page 149.