David Morgan preached at Gam on a Sunday afternoon in February on the words, " Strangers have devoured his strength, and he knoweth it not." As soon as he had finished the address, he said, "Clear this front seat, and make room for the converts." "Where have you got them? " said the Rev. John James incredulously, who sat in the pulpit with him. They streamed forward, filling the front bench. " Clear the second bench again," he commanded. "Come down," he cried, lifting his eyes to the gallery. A number came, filling the second bench, and making thirty in all.
Fifteen yielded to God at a service when the Rev. Richard Davies, Taliesin, preached. He asked one of them, *' What is it you want?" "' My life," cried the young woman eagerly. *'What made you think your life in danger?" "I saw myself a great sinner." *'Did you see anything else?" "I saw a great Saviour in Jesus." "Which did you see the greater — you as a sinner, or Christ as a Saviour?" She burst out in a cry full of exultation and melody, "Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound!"
From, 'The '59 Revival', by J J Morgan, page 66.
I think the meeting was here.