Maethlon Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Chapel (1858-1859)

The members of this church numbered 8 before the revival. Around November 1858 one of them went to Cardiganshire and experienced the revival there. After testifying to what he saw, the church decided to pray for revival. 

The Friday night pryer meetings thus started, increased in number and a general feeling of soberness and concern for spiritual things was felt in the neighbourhood. The powerful, divine influences descended in a Sunday morning prayer meeting, held before the preaching service, when many were dissolved into tears, overcome by the weight of their convictions and feelings. The Reverend Robert Williams of Aberdovey heard the cries as he approached the chapel and he felt his own frame as electrified by the spiritual energies. That Sunday's ministry proved fruitful and there were conversions every week in their midst for a considerable time. 

From, 'When He is come', by Eiffion Evans, page 68.

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