Portmorlais Calvinistic Methodist Chapel (1859)

It was among the Independents that the power of the Revival was chiefly felt here, though Pontmorlais (CM.) received seventy-seven new members. The Rev. Evan Harris was told triumphantly by a Congregational brother that they had received such and such a number. The sarcastic old minister retorted,  "We don't receive them by number at Pontmorlais, but by weight." It was to the same old minister that someone made the remark after David Morgan's service at Pontmorlais, "The Revivalist was receiving the converts into the Society very unceremoniously, wasn't he?" "Yes," said Mr Harris, "and we'll turn them out of the Society quite as unceremoniously if they don't behave." The reader will have gathered that the veteran preacher was not a very enthusiastic partisan of the Revival. That explains the following parable of his in a sermon on John iv. 14. "0n a journey I passed a little spring no broader than my hand, whose waters welled out in a limpid stream. Farther on I saw a big pond, which poured out its superfluous waters in a spout whose roar resounded through the valley. Returning after a five weeks' drought, I found the big pond dry and empty, and the spout silent. * Well, poor little spring!* said I to myself; "since the pond is dry what has become of you? ' But when I came to it, I found the little spring as full as ever, bubbling up between the rushes.'*

From, 'The '59 Revival', by J J Morgan, page 97.

Additional Information

Not sure where the chapel was, it burned down in 1981.

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