Bethania Welsh Baptist - Cardigan (1859)

WALES.-Many of your readers are aware that a religious revival has been going on in Cardiganshire for several months past, but which, through the goodness of our Heavenly Father, is not confined to that county, as several churches in other counties have had numerous additions, and we should like to see the baptisms which have taken place on those occasions inserted in your pages. More than a hundred persons have been recently baptized at Blaenywaun; fifty-five at Blaenyflos; forty at Kilvowir, and about the same number at Kilgerran, and also at Ebenezer and a great number in other places in the county of Pembroke. The Baptist church at Cardigan has not been left without manifest tokens of divine favour in this "time of refreshing from the presence of the Lord." April 3rd, two seamen were baptized, the first fruits of the revival; April 17th, I baptized six others, and sixteen more on May Ist. But May 22nd will be long remembered here, not only on account of the greater number baptized - which amounted to thirty-three, thirteen males and twenty females —but also on account of the baptism being administered out of doors, to the evident satisfaction of a very large and respectable congregation, consisting of at least two thousand persons. We first met in the chapel at half-past nine, A.M., and held a short service, and thence proceeded to the waterside,,. The morning was remarkably fine, the place commodious, the different elevations enabling the people to see without difficulty. The greatest decorum was observed and the people seemed bent on hearing and seeing what was going on; and all, with the exception of myself, had the advantage of having the flame of their devotion enhanced by the beautiful scenery with which they were surrounded on so lovely a morning.

From, "The Baptist Reporter," June 1859, page 189.

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