As the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, so came the power of '59 to Abergele. It was a Sabbath morning, and Joseph Evans, Denbigh, a young preacher, frail and wan, was present. His intensity of spirit was remarkable, and, too soon, the sharp sword wore out the fragile sheath. In the church-meeting he rose to speak about the Revival. " It will come to Abergele," he declared. " It is abroad in our land. It will come. Oh! here it has come! " With these words, while his blue-veined, attenuated hands were thrown up with a gesture of exulting welcome, a rushing sound like that of a fresh, strong breeze passed through the chapel.
Mr Edward Roberts, CM. deacon at Abergele said that he had heard the same sound on two other occasions, both memorable in the story of Calvinistic Methodism. Once at Liverpool, in a great missionary meetings Morgan Howells, Newport, rose to speak, and his first words were :
"O'er those gloomy hills of darkness, Look, my soul, be stilly and gaze "
At the words "be stilly'' a rustling sound traversed the large building, filling every bosom with alarm and awe, and making it necessary for the Rev. Henry Rees to intervene to quell the ensuing commotion. On the other occasion, William Roberts, Amlwch, that burning and shining light, was preaching on the field at Carnarvon Association. He was describing the Christian's "abundant entrance" into the heavenly kingdom. "O my friends! " he cried, "you have had a life of toil and trial on earth; but your first glimpse of heaven at the entrance — " The sentence was broken short by a rustling wave of sound which seemed to strike and agitate the whole throng on the field. How can these things be? "There are more things in earth and heaven than are dreamt of in our philosophy."
From, 'The '59 Revival', by J J Morgan, pages 136-7.
We are visited in this place with the blessed outpouring of God's Spirit, and many sinners are being converted. The second week in January will ever be a memorable week here. Glory be to God; he has answered the fervent supplications then offered for revival among us. Many of the most degraded drunkards have become sober; many have been brought from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. Also, many who have never entered the place of worship, are now heard to say, "let us go with you, for we have heard God is with you". Our divine saviour sees of the travails of his soul. The united prayer meetings are still held. The number of converts that have been added to the churches (as such we hope as shall be saved), are as follows, since last: – about 145 to the Wesleyan Methodist; about the same number to the Calvinist; about 50 to the independence and a few to the Baptist. The Wesleyans have instituted class meetings for children from 7 to 14 years of age and 39 boys met one night and 36 girls the following night. They are not reckoned on the above number. There is a great revival in the adjacent villages. Nearly all the inhabitants of one village have been converted. May the Lord make it so evident that the kingdom is his and that he is governor among the nations, that all may say, "the Lord reigneth;" that all men may fear and declare his works.
From, 'The Revivalist Newspaper,' Volume iI, March 10th 1860, page 78.