Tabor Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Chapel -Llangwyryfon (1859)

On the occasion of David Morgan's second visit to Llangwyryfon he had a wonderful service. He relates in his Diary: "Power ineffable descended a sat Bronnant and Borth, but more sweeping. One young man was completely blind and could be led wherever his guide desired. They clutched one another as if afraid of toppling over some fearful precipice. It was with great difficulty that we released their clutch of one another." Thirty souls found light. Not one in the audience went out refusing salvation. A substantial farmer, who had foiled for half a century the mightiest anglers in Wales, left his seat, but the Revivalist met him in the aisle, whispered a word or two to him when he meekly returned to his place. *' Glory to God ! " cried the preacher, " here is a fine, sleek, slippery old salmon caught, and the net has not broken! "
Two heathenish old people dwelt in this neighbourhood, but the old woman found Christ in the Revival. Shortly afterwards the old man remained in the church meeting. Thinking he had misapprehended the nature of the meeting, a deacon asked him, '' What do you want?" ** The same thing as the old woman," was the answer. *' What did she get?" **I don't know," said the old pagan, *' but it was something that has made her very cheerful and happy. She is singing all day now, instead of the old moping; and I want the same thing as her. Tis you ought to know what it is, for it was here she got it."

From, 'The '59 Revival', by J J Morgan, pages 40-41.

Additional Information

The meeting was probably here,

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