The parish of Llanbrynmair, also, so long known for its large congregations and active exertions in all that is good, has been favoured with a gracious revival. The Independents and Calvinistic Methodists have had considerable accessions of members. At Pennant, in the upper part of the parish, a great and good work has been carried on, and upwards of seventy persons, amongst a thin and scattered population, have made a profession of godliness within a short period. A correspondent at this place says:—" On the western side of Pennant, there is a lead-work called the Conroy Mines. Some of the miners felt a desire to establish an under-ground prayer-meeting, and having made the time and place known, they assembled in considerable numbers. They continued to pray and praise for several hours. Fear and trembling took possession of the most hardened sinners present. This was a remarkable meeting, held in a remarkable place, and conducted by remarkable persons, and it was followed by extraordinary effects. A short time since, some of these people were swearers, blasphemers, and open drunkards--a terror to those around them; but now we find the same people on their bonded knees humbly supplicating forgiveness of sin. 'This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes.' "
From ‘The Welsh Revival’ by Thomas Phillips.
Would you please contact us if you know where these meetings took place?