A CORRESPONDENT, writing to the Drysorfa from this place, recently mentioned that this vicinity had received copiously from the spirit of the Revival. He says, prayer-meetings were held for many months in anticipation of the present powerful visitation; and not long ago several of those who had forsaken the profession of religion came to seek for a place anew in God's house. Many an aged professor who for years was lukewarm and almost dead has also been graciously visited. But the greatest change has taken place amongst the young, most of whom, both male and female, have become professors. The spirit of prayer has fallen upon them in such a degree, that several of the old brethren wish to go somewhere out of sight, so much have the young gone before them. Not long ago the boys held prayer-meetings by themselves, and they needed not to appoint anyone to go and hold them. When one concluded his prayer, another was ready to give out a hymn and the Lord seemed to answer them before they asked. Neither do they consider it too soon to commence family prayer at their own homes. This movement has had a wonderful effect upon their parents and has been the means to bring many others to seek the Lord.
From the 'Revivalist Newspaper', Volume III, page 146.
Location unknown.