Croes-y-Parc Baptist Church (1905)

The excitement in the Welsh religious world in recent days caused this small flock to sicken for a part in it, and it decided to remember God and solicit part of the mighty influence for this area. For weeks prayer meetings were held in the chapel and in one house after another, which by the blessing of God brought its glorious effect. On Sunday, January 15th, we were able to baptise in the open air in the river Ely 21 persons on profession of their faith in the Redeemer of the world. In the evening these were received, together with one from the Church of England, who had been baptised through immersion in that church, and one was restored from the country of backsliding. There are still four awaiting baptism. This is the Lord's doing and we give thanks for it. (27th March 40)

27th January 1905, Seren Cymru newspaper.

Additional Information

Parodd y cyffro yn myd crefyddol Cymru y dyddiau diweddaf hyn i r ddeadell fechan hon glafychu am ran o hono, a phenderfynodd gofio Duw a deisyf rhan o r dylanwadau nerthol i'r fro hon. Cynnaliwyd am wythnosau gyfarfodydd gweddio yn y capel ac ar hyd y tai, yr hyn trwy fendith Duw a ddygodd ei effaith gogoneddus. Sul, lonawr 15fed, cawsom fedyddio yn yr awyr agored yn afon Lai 21 o bersonau ar broffes o'u lfydd yn Ngwaredwyr y byd. Yn yr hwyr derbyniwyd y rhai hyn, ac un o Eglwys Loegr, yr hwn oedd wedi ei fedyddio trwy drochiad yn yr eglwys hono, ac adferwyd un o dir gwrthgiliad. Y mae etto bedwar yn aros am fedydd. Or Arglwydd y daeth hyn a diolch am dano.

27th January 1905, Seren Cymru.

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