Pontcadfan Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, Llangadfan (1905)

Since no one has sent a report to the newspaper about the Revival here, I take this opportunity to do so now. The Revival started here about December. I honestly think that it was the preaching meetings held at the Wesleyan Chapel that began it. The two denominations, the Methodists and the Wesleyans, have been holding united prayer meetings since mid-December, and many here have given themselves to Christ. But on the evening of Saturday, January 14th, at the young people's meeting, the Holy Spirit descended in its mighty influence; a young girl began to pray and the Spirit descended, and almost everyone started to pray at the same time. It is impossible to describe the scene. It was close on midnight before they left the chapel. In addition, there was an excellent meeting the following Sunday afternoon, and in the evening the two denominations joined together for a prayer meeting. And Oh! this was a wonderful meeting. Many were praying at the same time, the Spirit of God had descended on the service. Oh! thanks be for the Holy Spirit. On Monday evening there was a prayer meeting, but nothing out of the ordinary occurred, but Oh! on Tuesday evening, it was an awesome place! This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven. [Gen. 28: 17] Joy spread throughout the meeting, but I cannot describe this scene either, and we are still experiencing such meetings. There was a remarkable meeting in the two chapels on Sunday, the 22nd: many of the young people broke out for the first time in prayer.  And this week we have had equally warm meetings. Thanks be for such a time, and the experience of a little of heaven on earth.

'Y Gwyliedydd' (Rhyl)  2nd February 1905.


Additional Information

Gan nad oes neb wedi anfon gair am y Diwygiad yma i'r newyddiadur, daliaf ar y cyfleustra i wneud hynny yn awr. Mae yr Adfywiad wedi dechreu yma tua mis Rhagfyr. Credaf yn onest mai cyfarfodydd pregethu a gynhaliwyd yn Nghapel y Wesleyaid a'i dechreuodd. Mae y ddau enwad, sef y Methodistiaid a'r Wesleyaid yn cynhal cyfarfodydd gweddio undebol er canol Rhagfyr, ac y mae yma lawer iawn wedi rhoddi eu hunain i Grist. Ond nos Sadwrn, Ionawr 14eg, yn nghyfarfodd y bobl ieuainc, y disgynodd yr Yspryd Glan yn ei ddylanwadau nerthol; ac fe ddechreuodd merch ieuanc weddio, a dyma yr Yspryd yn disgyn, ac fe aeth pawb bron i weddio ar unwaith. Dyma olygfa nad oes modd rhoddi desgrifiad o honni. Yr oedd yn tynu at hanner nos arnynt yn dod o'r capel. Ac hefyd, fe gafwyd cyfarfod rhagorol prydnawn Sul canlynol, ac yn yr hwyr unodd y ddau enwad a'u gilydd y gynhal cyfarfod gweddio. Ac O! dyma gyfarfod bendigedig. Llawer yn gweddio ar unwaith, Yspryd Duw wedi disgyn i'r oedfa. O! diolch am yr Yspryd Glan. Nos Lun, cafwyd cyfarfod gweddi, ond dim byd yn neulltuol; ond O! nos Fawrth, yr oedd no le ofnadwy! Onid ty i Dduw a phorth y nefoedd? Fe aeth yn orfoledd trwy y lle, nis gallaf disgrifio yr olygfa hon ychwaith; ac yr ydym yn parhau i gael cyfarfodydd felly o hyd. Cafwyd cyfarfod hynod yn y ddau gapel nos Sul, yr 22ain: llawer o'r bobl ieuainc yn torri allan o'r newydd i weddio.  Ac yr ydym yr wythnos hon yn cael cyfarfodydd yr un mor wresog. Diolch am y fath adeg, cael dipyn o nefoedd ar y ddaear.

'Y Gwyliedydd' (Rhyl)  2nd February 1905.


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