Llawrybettws Methodist Chapel - Glan-yr-afon (1905)

With delight, joy, and thanksgiving to the Lord for remembering us in Glan'rafon in gracious and redeeming visitations of his Holy Spirit. As in many other places, we had fallen asleep so far as religious matters were concerned, but now we can say without hesitation that the Spirit is a living thing working powerfully in our midst, making us alive to spiritual things, things for our eternal life. We have received shower after shower in past weeks; heavy showers of the heavenly dew till our spirits are refreshed, especially in the case of the young people. The Lord has kept us under the dew for weeks past, but last week will be long remembered by everyone who was present. Those who neglect the House of God incur great losses these days. Last week was a week under the right hand of the Most High, when we had rain; the young people had a particularly dewy meeting on the evening of Sunday, February 13th; on Monday evening  the tide had risen a step higher, and on Tuesday evening, so that by Thursday evening it was very high. The meeting was clearly under conviction; there was a dewy prayer meeting at the end of the meeting. Friday evening was amazingly joyful, a few of the oldest there felt it before Friday, but it was on the Friday that some of the old Fifty-niners [who had experienced the 1859 Revival] felt, and acquired the old powers that had been felt in former days. There has been a great deal of prayer for the ability to feel the old powers once again, and it was delightful for us, for the young people, and for everyone, to see them under the powerful influences on Friday evening. The young people's meeting, after the general meeting on Friday night was extremely joyful, beyond human ability to describe it properly, when twenty young men were present and not one tongue could be silent, but every heart was on fire at once praising God.  And O how wonderful it was to be in the company of the Holy Spirit. At this meeting we had the privilege of seeing God answering prayer directly. We had a meeting very close to heaven for over two hours, everyone praying at once and crying Amen, Thanks be to Him, Blessed Jesus! On His head be the crown, [Eternal thanks be to him] for remembering the dust of the earth [Some of these are lines from hymns]. We are anticipating yet greater things in the future, I should not be surprised if the saints in heaven, and the angels, were looking over heaven's golden handrail, in enjoyment of the wonderful scene here on Friday, and our prayer is "Onward, heavenly fire".

Y Cymro - 8th March 1905

Additional Information

Gyda hyfrydwch, llawenydd, a diolchgarwch i'r Arglwydd am ein cofio ninau yn Glan'rafon, yn ymweliadau grasol ac achubol ei Ysbryd Sanctaidd. Yr oeddym fel llawer ardal arall wedi myned i gysgu gyda phethau crefydd, ond yn awr gallwn ddweyd yn ddibetrus fod Ysbryd y peth byw yn gweithio yn rymus yn ein plith, fel ag i'n gwneud yn fyw i bethau ysbrydol, pathau ar gyfer ein tragwyddoldeb. Yr ydym wedi derbyn cawod ar gawod yn yr wythnosau sydd wedi myned heibio, cawodydd trymion o'r gwlith nefol nes ire ddio ein hysbrydoedd, yn neillduol felly y bobl ieuainc. Yr oedd yr Arglwydd yn ein cadw dan y gwlith yr wythnosau basiodd, ond bu yr wythnos ddiweddaf yn wythnos a hir gofir, ac a anwylir gan bawb oedd yn bresenol. pryd y cafwyd y gwlaw cafodd y bobl ieuainc gyfarfod nodedig o wlithog nos Sul, Chwefror 13eg, Nos Lun, 'roedd y llanw wedi codi ris yn uwch, a nos Fawrth, fel erbyn nos Iau yr oedd yn uchel iawn. Nos Wener, yr oedd yn orfoleddus ryfeddol,  ond nos Wener yr oedd rhai o'r hen Fifty Niners yn teimlo, ac yn cael gafael ar yr hen bwerau deimlwyd yn y dyddiau gynt. Llawer o weddio sydd wedi bodan gael teimlo drachefn yr hen bwerau, a hyfrydwch i ni, y bobl ieuainc, ac i bawb, oedd eu gweled dan y dylanwadau rerthol nos Wener. nos Wener, yn hynod o orfoleddus, tuhwnt i allu dynol i roi desgrifiad iawn ohono, pryd yr oedd ugain o fechgyn ieuainc yn bresenol nid oedd yr un tafod yn gallu bod yn ddistaw, ond pob calon ar dan ar unwaith yn moli Duw.  Ac O mor fendigedig oedd bod yn nghymdeith s yr Ysbryd Glan. Yn y cyfarfod hwn cawsom y fraint o weled Duw yn ateb gweddi yn uniongyrchol. Cafwyd cyfarfod agos iawn i'r nefoedd am dros ddwy awr o amser, pawb yn gweddio ar unwaith a llefain Amen, Diolch Iddo, lesu Bendigedig.  

Y Cymro - 8th March 1905

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