Brynteg Chapel (1905)

Seth Joshua. 17th December 1904 (Saturday): Travelled to Gorseinon to-day. Called at Neath and saw Frank. Rejoiced with him over the blessing they have received there. Five hundred conversions at Neath. Praise God. Held a blessed meeting to-night at Gorseinon. Wonderful fire. 18th (Sunday): Held three blessed meetings today. It is wonderful. I can’t describe the power and the liberty in these services. At times it is overwhelming. 20th (Tuesday): Meeting to-night at Brynteg Chapel, Gorseinon. A very strange experience was mine tonight. A prominent man stood up at the start of the service and declared that he had prayed that the Holy Spirit should not come to that service. ‘Try to get the Holy Spirit,’ he said. ‘ I will go outside, and when you have failed I will come back in, and the Spirit will come.’ He went outside, and a wonderful sight I saw. The people confessed Christ on every hand. Prayer, praise and testimony flowed without stop for over two hours. Glory be to God. 21st (Wednesday): There was no bad influence manifest tonight. The meeting went on in the power of the spirit, and great liberty came to the people to follow the promptings of the Spirit. It is impossible to watch these wonderful scenes and not remember the apostolic times in the church as described in I Cor, X., II. Most of those gifts are to be observed.

From, Seth and Frank Joshua: The Story of their Wonderful Life Work- T. Mardy Rees (1926).

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