Lady Llanover's Calvinistic Methodist Chapel - Rhyd-y-Meirch (1905)

BY THE REV. W. JONES, MOZERAH. Mr. Sidney Evans and Mr. Sam Jenkins held a series of revivalist meetings at the above venues. There is a natural warmth about Llanover men – men who have for many years craved a religious revival in the country – so that when the Revival came they were ready for it. [Translation uncertain] Some of them wandered far although He possessed them; He took total possession of them, and on their return home, He invaded the whole church, and ever since then they have been full of enthusiasm and religious activity. The same spiritual heat began in Mozerah early in the winter. It is fair to say that there is here a powerful, living spirit at work in this church since about the beginning of November, and up till now the heat and the quiet calm enthusiasm have been steadily increasing. However, the visit of the two young revivalists to these churches was very timely, and proved an inestimable help and blessing to them. The spiritual enthusiasm rose very high at times. The Spirit of God was doubtless powerfully at work in the hearts of His people, and the powers of the world to come - to all appearances - overcame them entirely. Furthermore, the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ has now been raised to the attention of the most thoughtless and indifferent in the country. The impression will last a long time; and our prayer is that it be deepened. Undoubtedly , the Spirit of God was moving through the place, and although there was no disorder or wild behaviour, yet strong men wept like children, scores of people were sighing quietly on their knees at the seats beside the Throne of grace, some for forgiveness, some for the salvation of the souls of their neighbours and of the country, &c.  One important thing has become very clear, that the reins are in the hand of the Spirit of God. This was a wonderful place. This is true to a greater or lesser measure of all the meetings in the series in both these churches. The revivalists were in their best form. Mr. S. Evans spoke with a disarming smile across his face, but the tone of his voice, his body posture, the look in his eyes, and the way moved his hand spoke clearly of the earnestness of his soul and the fact that he was burning to save souls. The same is true for Mr. S. Jenkins.  He proclaimed God's order for salvation with such charm, joy danced on his lips and the gladness of living on his cheek, until it warmed every heart that heard him. Heaven's blessing upon them - Servants of the Most High God. Many said during the meeting that they wanted to accept the Saviour and to follow Him from that time on. I cannot record people's prayers, &c., not because I have forgotten their earnest spirit and the striking things they said; no, they live in my mind at this moment. I shall never forget some of them, but because I believe it would be a presumptuousness of which I do not wish to be guilty. We pray that the revival will continue.

Goleuad - 28th April 1905.


Additional Information

GAN Y PARCH. W. JONES, MOZERAH. Bu Mr. Sidney Evans a Mr. Sam Jenkins yn cynal cyfres o gyfarfodydd diwygiadol yn y lleoedd uchod. Y mae yn Llanover ddynion naturiol wresog—dynion ag oedd yn dyheu er's llawer blwyddyn am adfywiad crefyddol yn y wlad—fel pan ddaeth y Diwygiad yr oeddent yn barod am dano. Aeth amryw o honynt ymhell er cael eu meddianu ganddo; meddianwyd hwy yn hollol, ac wedi iddynt ddychwelyd adref, meddianwyd yr holl eglwys, a byth oddiar hyny y maent wedi bod yn llawn brwdfrydedd a gweithgarwch crefyddol. Dechreuodd yr un gwres, ysbrydol yn Mozerah yn gynar yn y gauaf. Teg yw dweyd fod yma ysbryd byw ,grymus, yn gweithio yn yr eglwys hon er tua dechreu Tachwedd, ac hyd yn awr y mae y gwres a'r brwdfrydedd distaw tawel wedi bod yn graddol gynyddu. Yr oedd ymweliad y ddau ddiwygiwr ieuainc gan hyny a'r eglwysi hyn yn amserol iawn, a phrofodd o gymhorth a bendith anmhrisiadwy iddynt. Cyrhaeddodd y brwdfrydedd ysbrydol yn uchel iawn ar rai adegau. Yr oedd Ysbryd Duw yn ddiameu yn gweithio yn rymus yn nghalonau Ei bobl, a nerthoedd y byd a ddawi bob ymddangosiad—yn eu gorchfygu yn lan. Heblaw hyn, y mae crefydd ein Harglwydd Iesu Grist bellach wedi ei chodi i sylw y mwyaf difeddwl a difater yn y wlad. Fe erys yr argraff yn hir; a'n gweddi yw am iddi gael ei dyfnhau. Heb os, yr oedd Ysbryd Duw yn cyniwair drwy y lle; ac er nad oedd yma nac annhrefn na gwylltineb, eto wylai dynion cryfion fel plant, ocheneidiai ugeiniau o honynt yn ddistaw ar eu gliniau wrth y s iti wrth Orsedd gras, rhai am faddeuant, eraill am achubiaeth eneidiau eu cymydogion a'r wlad, &c. Yr oedd yr un peth mawr angenrheidiol wedi dod yn amlwg: iawn, sef bod yr awenau yn llaw Ysbryd Duw. Yr oedd yma le rhyfedd. Y mae hyn yn wir i fesur mwy neu lai am holl gyfarfodydd y gyfres yn y ddwy eglwys hon. Yr oedd y diwygwyr yn eu hwyliau goreu. Siaradai Mr. S. Evans gyda gwen ddengar ar ei holl wedd; ond yr oedd ton ei lais, osgo ei gorff, trem ei lygad, a thafliad ei law yn dweyd yn glir daerineb ei enaid a'i fod yn llosgi am achub eneidiau. Y mae yr un peth yn wir am Mr. S. Jenkins. Dadganai drefn Duw i gadw gyda'r fath swyn, dawnsiai llawenydd ar ei wefus a llonder byw ar ei rudd, nes cynesu pob calon a'i clywai. Bendith y nefoedd arnynt—Gweision y Duw Goruchaf. Dywedodd amryw yn ystod y cyfarfodydd eu bod am dderbyn y Gwaredwr a'i ganlyn o hyn allan. Nis gallaf gofnodi gweddiau, &c., y bobl, nid am fy mod wedi anghofio eu hysbryd taer a'u dywediadau tarawiadol; na, y maent yn fyw yn fy meddwl y funud hon. Nis anghofiaf rai o honynt byth, ond am fy mod yn credu y byddai hyny yn feiddgarwch nad wyf am fod yn euog o hono, Yr ydym yn gweddio am i'r diwygiad barhau.

Goleuad - 28th April 1905.


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