Siloam Calvinistic Methodist Chapel - Llanfrothen (1905)

We have now had nine weeks of prayer meetings every night without a gap, and we have seen and felt inexpressible things. In some of them we clearly felt the divine influences, and the heat rose very high. Others are flat, some of them extremely so, but are nevertheless no less blessed, for in them the Holy Ghost is testing and disciplining our faith. We shall never forget the earnestness and the sound of concern to be heard in some spiritless meetings, and at another meeting the sun smiles to hearten. The prayer of faith has become the strongest power that exists in our area, and some of the young people here have become so close to God, that they can obtain almost whatsoever they desire from him. There are some non-religious men who keep away from the meetings to try to avoid the revival, they are listening attentively from a distance in terror for fear the boys take their cause in hand before the throne. They well know that when it comes to that they will have to yield and lay down their weapons. Already 24 have joined the church at Siloam for the first time, and some of them are people whose conversion would not have been hoped for a while ago. In Rhyd, a secluded area with a branch school of Siloam, everyone has come to the church, and it was a wonderful meeting when the last came in. The oldest old brother there said that Rhyd had never been like this before, even though it was always a religious area, and famous for its singers. The following Friday night there, we had one of the most spiritual meetings, and one of the closest to heaven, that we have ever attended. Every section of the church has awoken and is joining in the effort to seek to win the world to Jesus’ feet. The meetings of the sisters are increasing in force and influence, and passionate things are frequently felt in them. The children too have been very deeply touched, and hold mid-day prayer meetings in the school environs. We join them at their regular 4.30 Saturday afternoon meeting, and we are amazed at their strong faith and their persistent earnestness in their simple prayers. They frequently battle with the devil, and desire to overcome him in the power of Jesus. The meeting last Saturday afternoon was begun by a girl aged 10, and she had her special petition. The children always have a petition. This little girl's great petition was to get Jesus to that meeting. "Come here tonight," she said, "tonight, great Jesus; tonight, dear Jesus; we do not know whether we will see tomorrow. O, come here tonight, dear Jesus," and he came. The other children vied to follow her, with the same earnestness, and the same simplicity, until the blessed Jesus, who is so fond of children'[sic]

Goleuad - 10th February 1905.

Additional Information

Yr ydym erbyn hyn wedi cael naw wythnos o gyfarfodydd gweddiau bob nos yn ddifwlch, ac wedi gweled a theimlo pethau anhraethadwy. Mewn rhai o honynt teimlir y dylanwadau dwyfol yn amlwg, a chyfyd y gwres yn uchel iawn. Y mae eraill yn flat, rhai o honynt yn hynod felly; ond nid ydynt er hyny yn llai bendithiol, canys ynddynt hwy y mae yr Ysbryd Glan yn profi ac yn disgyblu ein ffydd. Nis anghofiwn byth y taerni a'r swn pryder fydd i'w glywed mewn ambell gyfarfod difywyd, ac mewn cyfarfod arall daw gwenau heulwen i'n calonogi. Y mae gweddir ffydd wedi dod y gallu cryfaf mewn bod yn ein hardal, a rhai o'r bobl ieuainc yma wedi myned mor agos at Dduw, fel y cant y peth a fynont ganddo o'r bron. Rhai dynion digrefydd sydd yn ymgadw o'r cyfarfodydd i geisio osgoi y diwygiad, y maent yn clustymwrando oddi draw gydag arswyd rhag ofn fod y bechgyn yn cymeryd eu hachos mewn llaw gerbron yr orsedd. Gwyddant yn dda pan ddaw hi a hyny mai ildio a rhoddi arfau i lawr fydd raid. Eisoes y mae 24 wedi ymuno o'r newydd a'r eglwys yn Siloam, ac amryw o honynt yn rhai na buasid beth amser yn ol yn gallu gobeithio am eu dychweliad. Yn y Rhyd, ardal neillduedig, He y mae cangen ysgol perthynol i Siloam, y mae pob un wedi dod i'r eglwys, ac un rhyfedd oedd y cyfarfod y daeth y diweddaf i fewn ynddo. Dywedai yr hen frawd hynaf sydd yno na bu y Rhyd erioed fel hyn o'r blaen, er ei bod bob amser yn ardal grefyddol, ac yn enwog am ei chantorion. Y nos Wener dilynol cawsom yno un o'r cyfarfodydd mwyaf ysbrydol ac agosaf i'r nefoedd y buom ynddo erioed. Y mae pob adran o'r eglwys wedi ei deffro ac ymdaflu i'r ymdrech i geisio enill y byd at draed yr lesu. Cynyddu mewn nerth a dylanwad y mae cyfarfodydd y chwiorydd, a theimlir ynddynt bethau angerddol yn fynych. Y plant hefyd sydd wedi eu cyffwrdd yn ddwys iawn, a chynhaliant gyfarfodydd gweddiau ganol dydd yn amgylchoedd yr ysgol. Byddwn gyda hwy yn eu cyfarfod rheolaidd 4.30 prydnawn Sadwrn, a byddwn yn rhyfeddu at eu ffydd gref a'u taerni diollwng yn eu gweddiau syml. Y maent mewn brwydr yn fynych a'r diafol, ac yn nerth yr Iesu am ei orchfygu. Dechreuwyd y cyfarfod prydnawn Sadwrn diweddaf gan eneth 10 oed, ac yr oedd ganddi ei neges neillduol. Y mae gan y plant neges bob tro. Neges fawr yr eneth fach hon oedd cael yr Iesu i'r cyfarfod hwnw. Tyrd yma heno," meddai, "heno Iesu mawr; heno, Iesu anwyl; wyddom ni ddim gawn ni weled yfory. O, tyred yma heno, Iesu anwyl," ac fe ddaeth. Yr oedd plant eraill am y cyntaf yn ei dilyn. gyda'r un taerni, a'r un symledd, nes yr oedd yr Iesu bendigedig, sydd mor hoff o blant'.

Goleuad - 10th February 1905.

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