The pastor reports - 72 new members and remarkable evidence of the Spirit. From, 'The South Wales Daily News', 14th January 1905.
The Revival has its story here, as in the majority of our country's churches, if the tide is not so high nor the fire so hot as in some churches, yet the tide has been high and the fire hot. We have enjoyed a fervour here when the heavens came very close to the sanctuary. In early November we started conducting prayer meetings every evening, and it was not long before we received clear proofs that God was listening to the prayers of his people. There are 48 additions through baptism. 4 [were baptised] on November 13th; 19 on Christmas Day; 5 on 29th January; 2 on February 21st; 13 on March 2nd; all by the Rev. W. Jones, and 5 on March 20th by the Rev.J.Pugh, Abercynon, since Mr.Jones was suffering from a heavy cold. The total converts bring the increase to 63. We have also baptised by immersion persons who have joined other denominations.
28th April 1905, Seren Cymru
Y mae gan y Diwygiad ei hanes yma fel y mwyafrif o heglwysi ein gwlad, os nad yw y llanw mor uchel, a'r tan mor danbaid ag ambell eglwys; etto mae'r llanw wedi bod yn uchel a'r tan yn wresog. Y mae yma hwyliau wedi eu mwynhau pan oedd y nefoedd yn agos iawn i'r cyssegr. Dechreuwyd yn gynnar yn mis Tachwedd gynnal cyfarfodydd gweddio bob nos, ao nid hir y buwyd cyn cael prawfion amlwg fod Duw yn gwrando gweddiau ei bobl. Y mae 48 o ychwanegiadau trwyfedydd. Tachwedd 13eg, 4; dydd Nadolig, 19; Ionawr 29ain, 5; Chwefror 21, 2 Mawrth 2il, 13; yr oll gan y Parch W. Jones. Mawrth 20ted, 5, gan y Parch J. Pugh, Abercynon am fod Mr Jones yn dioddef oddiwrth anwyd trwm. Mae r dychweledigion i gyd yn gwneud y cynnydd yn 63. Yr ydym hefyd wedi bedyddio trwy drochiad bersonau sydd wedi ymaelodi gydag enwadau ereill.
28th April 1905, Seren Cymru