Rossett Presbyterian Church (1905)

During the last few weeks upwards of 40 announced their intention of joining as members.

From, 'The North Wales Guardian', 24th February 1905.


There is every indication in this neighbourhood that the revival has had a great effect on the various chapels and their congregations. Meetings have been held every night for over two months, and have been a means to bring the different denominations together, and many people have joined the different churches for the first time. A large number of the Rhos Revivalists have been here, holding a meeting in the Lavister Congregational chapel, which was packed. One remarkable thing about the Revival is to see the young boys and girls taking such an interest, some who never used to attend a place of worship. Rossett and Burton.

Goleuad - 7th April 1905.

Additional Information

Mae yn y gymydogaeth yma bob prawf fod y diwygiad wedi cael gryn effaith ar wahanol gapeli a'r cynulleidfaoedd. Mae y cyfarfodydd wedi cael eu cynhal bob nos er's dros ddau fis, ac maent wedi bod yn foddion i ddyfod a'r gwahanol enwadau at eu gilydd, ac mae llawer o'r newydd wedi ymuno a'r gwahanol eglwysi. Bu amryw o'r Diwygwyr y Rhos i lawr yma, yn cynal cyfarfod yn capel Annibynwyr Lavister, yr hwn oedd yn orlawn. Un peth hynod gyda'r Diwygiad yw gweled y bechgyn a'r merched ieuainc yn cymeryd y fath ddyddordeb rhai na fyddai byth yn myned i le o addoliad. Rossett a Burton.

Goleuad - 7th April 1905.

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