The revival spirit is becoming more pronounced daily at Pembroke Dock. On Monday evening meetings were held at Mayrick-street (Wesley), Pennar (Wesley), Pembroke Ferry (Wesley), Albion-square (Congregational), Bethel (Baptist), Bethany (Baptist) and St Andrew's (Calvinistic Methodist) Chapels. Many penitents were induced to declare themselves. At Albion-square there were 11, and the total at Bethany Baptist is understood to have exceeded 60, while there have been about 24 at Pembroke Ferry, and 20 at each of the chapels named, making nearly 150 altogether during the last few days. An open-air meeting was held near the Market House in connection with Albion-square Chapel after the close of the indoor meeting, and later a meeting initiated by Mr Herbert John and Mr Thomas Townley was held at High-street outside Bethany Chapel until a late hour.
From, 'The South Wales Daily News', 10th January 1905.