Horeb Baptist Chapel - Garndolbenmaen (1904)


At the Baptist cause at Garndolbenmaen, Caernarfonshire, it is stated concerning 1812: ‘scores were baptized between this year and the one following. In the year 1813 the meeting-house had to be rebuilt; it was extended by yards in each direction, with a gallery around.’

R. Jones, Cofiant Byr am y Diweddar Evan Evans, Gweinidog y Bedyddwyr yn y Garn, Swydd Gaerynarfon(Caerynarfon, [1842]), p. 20.


At Garn Dolbenmaen, ten new members have joined the Baptist church.

From, 'The Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald', 23rd December 1904.

Excellent work is being done with the Baptists here. The young people felt the breezes and dedicated themselves to holding prayer meetings at every opportunity. In the meantime, the Rev. T. Idwal Jones was established as minister here. This assisted the efforts, and some began to join the church anew. The influences strengthened and it became a general agitation. 25 were baptised on January 29th, among whom were the well-known singers, Gutyn Fardd and Mrs Eifion Jones. 28 were baptised on February 26th, all by the Rev. T. Idwal Jones, who preached a very powerful and clear sermon on Baptism to a large congregation. Those baptised included some from 65 down to the age of twelve, young men and women, and five of them were from a single family home. It was a blessed service and undoubtedly remains an indelible influence on many of those who were present. Nine have been admitted from the country of backsliding, making an increase of 62 to a church of 118.  We marvel at miracles of grace and give thanks that it is through the Bible that the Spirit is clearly working in this agitation and that it is the Bible that is making Baptists.

17th March 1905, Seren Cymru

Additional Information

Gwneir gwaith rhagorol gyda'r Bedyddwyr yma. Teimlodd y bobl ieuainc yr awelon, ac ymroisant i gynnal cyrddau gweddi ar bob cyfle ellid gael, Yn y cyf amser, ymsefydlodd y Parch T. Idwal Jones ynweinidog yma. Cynnorthwyodd hyn yr ymdrechion, a dechreuodd rhai o'r new ydd ymuno a'r eglwys. Cryfhaodd y dylanwadau a daeth yn gyffroad cyffredinol. Bedyddiwyd lonawr 29ain, 25, yn mhlith y rhai yr oedd Gutyn Fardd a Mrs Eifion Jones, y cantorion adnabyddus. Chwefror 26ain, bedyddiwyd 28, yr oll gan y Parch T. Idwal Jones, yr hwn a bregethodd yn dra grymus ac eglur ar Fedydd i gynnulleidfa fawr. Yr oedd y bedyddiedigion yn cynnwys rhai o 65 i ddeuddeg oed, yn feibion a merched, ac yr oedd pump o honynt yn deulu o un ty Cafwyd oedfa fendigedig, ac erys ei dylanwad yn ddiamheu yn annileadwy ar lawer iawn o'r rhai oedd yn bresenol. Y mae naw wedi eu derbyn o dir gwrth giliad, yn gwneud y cynnydd yn 62 at eglwys o 118. Rhyfeddwn wyrthiau gras, a diolchwn mai trwy y Beibl y mae yr Yspryd yn gweithio yn amlwg yn y cyffroad hwn, a'r Beibl sydd yn gwneud Bedyddwyr.'

17th March 1905, Seren Cymru

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