I have let several weeks go by without taking up space in Y GWYLIEDYDD to say anything about the Revival here. I was very concerned when I heard about fire in the South, wondering, will it come to Carno? But thanks be to God, it is no longer something that is to come, but something that has come. Perhaps it would be helpful for me to say a little about its origins. When the old year was drawing to a close, a number of young men who had been brought up in the area came back home to enjoy their Christmas holidays from South Wales, the centre of the Revival. Some of them had already received extensively of the influences, and they have been of great service in spreading the influences in this area. It is still increasing, and we trust that the 'high tide' has not yet arrived. Our area has been transformed - drunkards have become sober, and instead of the sound of oaths on the streets and loud noises, 'songs and praise' are heard. There is no hanging about at street corners, and what the boys and the young women are saying is, 'let us go to the house of the Lord.' There is a hope here for a bright future. Hearing the converts pouring their hearts out before their Saviour plunges us into amazement.
'Y Gwyliedydd' (Rhyl) 16th February 1905.
Yr wyf wedi gadael i nifer o wythniosau fyned heibio heb gymeryd dim o ofod y GWYLIEDYDD i fynegi am y Dwygiad yn y lle hwn. Pryderais lawer pan yn clywed am dan yn y De, ai tybed; y doi i Garno? Ond i Duw y byddo y diolch, nid peth i ddyfod ydyw mwyach, ond wedi dyfod. Efallai mai buddiol fyddai imi ddarlunio ychydig ar ei gychwyniad. Pan oedd yr hen flwyddyn yn tynu tua'i therfyn, daeth yma nifer o ddynion, ieuainc oedd wedi eu magu yn yr ardal i fwynhau eu Gwyliau Nadolig i fro eu genedigaeth o'r Deheudir, O ganol y Diwygiad, y rhai oeddynt eisoes wedi derbyn y dylanwadau yn helaeth, a buont o wasanaeth mawr tuag it ledaenu y dylanwadau yn yr ardal. Parhau i gynyddu y mae o hyd, ac hyderwn nad ydyw y 'llanw mawr' wedi dod eto. Y mae ein hardal wedi ei gweddnewid—meddwon yr ardal wedi sobri, ac yn lle swn rhegfeydd ar yr heolydd, clyw'r swn 'can a moliant.' Ni welir neb yn aros ar gonglau'r heolydd, ond iaith y bechgyn a'r gwyryfon ieuainc ydyw 'awn i dy yr Aglwydd.' Y mae yma obaith am ddyfodol disglaer. Y mae clywed y dychweledigion yn tywallt eu calonau o flaen eu Gwaredwr.
'Y Gwyliedydd' (Rhyl) 16th February 1905.