Penybryn Welsh Baptist Chapel - Wrexham (1905)

The spirit of the Revival has taken a strong-hold in this church. This is the sixth week the church has held prayer meetings every evening, and the seventh in fact, taking into account a week held in October. We have not seen great things like those being seen in Glamorgan. Unfortunately we do not have the materials here, as the most part of the town's population are not Welsh-speaking, but we have had meetings that will never be forgotten, and a number of the members say that it is now that they are beginning to practice religion, although they have had the name of religion for years. We spent three Sundays in prayer meetings and did away with the school one Sunday to spend the whole of it in prayer for the Holy Spirit. God has listened to the prayers of his church, and the first Sunday of the new year we were delighted to receive seven new members to the church connexion; four by baptism, one from the far country, and two by letters. There are others before the church and a sound of many coming. We have for some time united with the church at Rhosddu to hold the prayer meetings, and we understand that things are improving there, although there are no converts, yet the congregations on Sundays have improved, and the church is coming to possess more faith in its future. Next week we are planning to hold united meetings of all the Free Churches in the town, and are confident that this will have God's blessing. 

13th January 1905, Seren Cymru newspaper.


Additional Information

Mae yspryd y Diwygiad wedi cymmeryd gafael gref yn yr eglwys hon. Hon yw y chweched wythnos i'r eglwys gynnal yn gyfarfodydd gweddi bob nos, a'r seithfed. yn wir, a chymmeryd i mewn wythnos a gynnaliwyd yn mis Hydref. Nid y'm wedi gweled pethau mawrion tebyg i'r hyn welir yn Morganwg. Yn anffodus nid yw y defnyddiau yma gan fod corff poblogaeth y drel yn Seisnig, ond yr ym wedi cael cyrddau nad ant byth yn anghof, ac y mae amryw o'r aelodau yn dweyd mai yn awr y maent yn dechreu crefydda er eu bod ar enw crefydd er's blynyddau. Treuliwyd tri Sul yn gyrddau gweddi, a gwnaed ymaith a/r ysgol un Sul er cael treulio yr oll o hono mewn gweddi ganddi am yr Yspryd Glan. Mae Duw wedi gwrandaw gweddiau ei eglwys; a'r Sul cyntaf o'r flwyddyn newydd cafwyd yr hyfrydwch o dderbyn saith o'r newydd i'r cyfundeb eglwysig, sef pedwar drwy fedydd, un o'r tir pell, a dau trwy lythyrau. Mae ereill gerbron yr eglwys a swn llawer yn dod. Yr ydym er's peth amser wedi myned i undeb a'r eglwys yn Rhosddu i gynnal y cyrddau gweddi, a deallwn fod pethau yn gwella yno, er nad oes yno ddychweledigion, etto mae y cynnulliadau ary Sul wedi gwella, a'r eglwys yn dod i feddu mwy o ffydd yn ei dyfodol. Yr wythnos nesaf yr ym yn bwriadu cael cyrddau undebol o holl Eglwysi Rhyddion y dref, gan hyderu y bydd hyn dan fendith Duw i.  

13th January 1905, Seren Cymru.

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