We have had an extremely blessed time here recently. I do not know how best to tell the story. I can only give a very incomplete description of the great changes that have taken place as a consequence of the work of the Holy Spirit's moving in men's hearts. Everywhere the topic of conversation is the Revival. Not only the story of the great work in other places throughout the South and the North, but in this area as well. Prayer meetings have been held every evening for more than three weeks, the congregations increasing every night. Our respected minister, the Rev. W. Lloyd Davies, has been tireless almost day and night. The week beginning December 12th, the wave came in particularly forcefully on the Saturday evening, December 10 [sic – these are the actual dates in the original]. The usual prayer meeting lasted until 10 o'clock. After this the young people gathered in the vestry. It was packed, and indeed there were a large number in the chapel and a crowd in the street. A remarkable influence was felt at this meeting. A large number of young men and women were in tears and begging for mercy for their souls. The most hardened could not refrain from pouring out their hearts before God. People were praying for friends and relations who were present at the meeting. This was a meeting that will be long remembered. It continued until one o'clock in the morning, and it was difficult to leave even then. The young people congregated again at nine in the morning and there was a wonderful meeting. Mr Lloyd Davies preached at ten with extraordinary influence. After the sermon, prayers were offered, and several brothers gave their testimonies. The divine fire kindled in every heart. In the afternoon the Sunday school was really beautiful. It is over twenty years since so many people were present. Indeed, it is doubtful if there were ever so many. The school soon became a prayer meeting, and it was a meeting upon which the dew of heaven fell. In the evening, there was a powerful sermon by the Rev. Robert Jones, Towyn. Many were under intense feeling, overcome with emotion, and beheld the glory of God's Love to the world as they had never seen it before. After this service, a united prayer meeting was held in the Calvinistic Methodist chapel. The friends here had had a wonderful Sabbath. On this Sabbath, a young man happened to be there who was full of the Spirit. He was someone who had come from the midst of the fire, the Rev. Teifi Davies, and his presence in the hand of the Spirit was thrilling for the large congregation there. This meeting went on till midnight, the final hour being led by the Rev. Lloyd Davies. We cannot describe the prayer meetings on the subsequent nights in detail, but we must refer to the meeting on Tuesday evening. It was good to be there. As soon as the service ended, the room was filled with young people, and the Holy Spirit led from the beginning to the end. The influence felt at this meeting will be long remembered. The young brothers and sisters were in tears, and earnest prayers arose for mercy. The meeting broke up at about one o'clock in the morning, but the work was not yet over. People went their ways in prayer and thanksgiving around 2 o'clock. Wonderful meetings were held every evening until the Sabbath, and great was the joy at hearing new voices breaking out in intense and importunate prayers. On the morning of Sunday, Dec 18th, there was a prayer meeting for the young people. It was a foretaste of a Sabbath under the dew of heaven. The following week the meetings continued in their influence, but were characterised by a greater intensity and joy. The number of people who participate in public in the services has doubled. Our talented young men and women have grasped the life of faith and are always ready to speak about what God has done for souls. The meetings this week are united, thanks be forever; this Revival has given a mortal blow, we hope, to narrow sectarianism.
Gwyliedydd (Rhyl) 7th January 1905.
Yr ydym yn y lie hwn wedi cael amser hynod o ddedwydd yn ddiweddar. Nis gwyddom yn iawn pa fodd i ddyweyd yr hanes. Nis gellir ond yn rhanol iawn egluro y cyfnewidiad mawr sydd wedi cymeryd lle mewn canlyniad i waith yr Yspryd Glan yn ymwneud a chalonau dynion. Y Diwygiad ydyw testyn yr ymddiddan yn mhob man. Nid yn unig yr hanes am y gwaith mawr mewn lleoedd eraill drwy y De a r Gogledd, ond yn yr ardal hon. Y mae cyfarfodydd gweddi wedi eu cynhal bob nos er's dros dair wythnos, y cynnulliadau yn mynd ar gynydd bob nos. Y mae ein parchus weinidog, y Parch. W. Lloyd Davies, wedi bod yn ddiflino bron ddydd a nos. Yr wythnos yn dechreu Rhagfyr 12fed, daeth y don mewn nerth yn arbenig felly nos Sadwrn, Rhagfyr 10. Parhaodd y cyfarfod gweddi arferol hyd 10 o'r gloch. Wedi hyny ymgynullodd y bobl ieuainc i'r vestry, Llanwyd y He ac yn wir yr oedd nifer fawr yn y capel a thyrfa ar yr heol. Teimlwyd dylanwad rhyfeddol yn y cyfarfod hwn. Gwelwyd nifer fawr o feibion a merched yn eu dagrau ac yn erfyn am drugaredd i'w henaid, Yr oedd y rhai caletaf yn methu da I heb tywallt eu calon gerbron Duw. Gweddiwyd dros gyfeillion a pherthynasau oedd yn bresenol yn y cyfarfod. Cyfarfod a hir gofir oedd, y cyfarfod hwn. Parhaodd hyd un o'r gloch y boreu, ac yr oedd yn anhawdd ymadael ar yr awr hon. Ymgasglodd y bob, ieuainc drachefn am naw y boreu a chafwyd cyfarfod bendigedig. Pregethwyd gan Mr. Lloyd Davies am ddeg gyda dylanwad rhyfeddol. Ar ol y bregeth offrymwyd gweddiau, a dywedodd nifer o frodyr eu profiadau. Yr oedd y tan dwyfol yn ennyn yn mhob calon. Yn y prydnawn yr oedd yr ysgol Sul yn hardd mewn gwirionedd. Ni welwyd nifer mor luosog yn bresenol er's dros ugain mlynedd. Yn wir amheuwn a wellwyd erioed. Aeth yr ysgol yn gyfarfod gweddi yn fuan, ac yr oedd yn gyfarfod, a gwlith y nef yn disgyn arno. Yn yr hwyr pregethwyd yn rymus gan y Parch. Robert Jones, Towyn. Llawer o dan deimladau dwys a drylliog ac yn gweled gogoniant Cariad Duw at y byd mewn modd nas gwelsant erioed o'r blaen. Wedi yr odfa hyn cynaliwyd cyfarfod gweddi, undebol yn addoldy y Methodistiaid Calfinaidd. Yr oedd y cyfeillion yma wedi cael Sabboth rhyfedol. Digwyddai fod yno y Sabboth hwn ddyn ieuainc oedd yn llawn o'r Yspryd. Un wedi d'od o ganol y tan, y Parch. Teifi Davies, ac yr oedd ei bresenoldeb yn llaw yr Yspryd yn wefr yn y gynnulleidfa fawr oedd yno Parhaodd y cyfarfod hwn hyd hanner nos, Arweiniwyd yr awr ddiweddaf gan y Parch. Lloyd Davies. Nis gallwn fanylu at y cyfarfodydd gweddi gaiwyd y nosweithiau dilynol, ond rhaid yw cyfeirio at cyfarfod nos Fawrth. Da oedd bod yno. Mor fuan ag y terfynwyd y gwasanaeth, llanwyd yr ystafell o bob! ieuainc, a'r Yapryd Glan yn arwain o'r dechreu i'r diwedd. Nid anghofir y dylanwad a deimlwyd yn y cyfarfod hwn. Yr oedd, y brodyr a'r chwiorydd ieuainc yn eu dagrau, a gweddiau taerion yn esgyn am drugaredd. Torwyd y cyfarfod i fyny tua un o'r gloch y boreu, ond er hyny nid oedd y gwaith drosodd. Mewn gweddi a diolch ymwahanwyd oddeutu 2 o'r gloch. Cafwyd cyfarfodydd bendigedig bob nos hyd y Sabboth, a mawr y llawenydd oedd clywed lleisiau newyddion yn tori allan mewn gweddiau dwys ac erfyniadol. Boreu Sabboth, Rhag. 18, cyfarfod gweddi y bobl ieuainc. Ernes o Sabboth o dan wlith y nefoedd. Yr wythnos ddilynol parhaodd y cyfarfodydd yn eu dylanwad, ond yn cael eu nodweddu a mwy o ddwysder a gorfoledd. Y mae nifer y rhai i gymeryd rhan gyhoeddus yn y moddion wedi dyblu. Ein bechgyn ,a'n merched ieuainc talentog wedi d'od i afael a bywyd crefydd, ac yn barod bob amser i lefaru am yr hyn a wnaeth Duw i eneidiau. Y mae y cyfarfodydd yr wythnos hon yn undebol, a diolch fyth fod; y Diwygiad hwn wedi rhoi ergyd marwol, fe obeithiwn, i'r culni sectol.
Gwyliedydd (Rhyl) 7th January 1905.