The fervour of the revival in the town is still maintained and is indeed increasing. Continued prayer meetings are being held and kept up toa late hour. Some emotional scenes have been witnessed at Zion Chapel, and many young converts made. At the Tabernacle much spirit and zeal is shown. At Horeb, happy results are shown, and at Penuel Chapel new members have been baptised, and altogether throughout the town and neighbourhood sterling good results are being seen.
From, 'The Welsh Coast Pioneer', 10th February 1905.
The young men of the Church of England have just started to hold a prayer meeting at Scotland Street. Beneficial meetings are still held in the chapels. A stirring meeting was held at the Square on Wednesday evening. Several of the young men prayed with remarkable effect. A large number have joined the churches as a result of the revival. Scotland Street 34, Horeb 30, Penuel 22, Zion 20, Tabernacle 13 = 119.
From, 'The Wrexham Advertiser', 18th March 1905.