Revival services have been held in Haverfordwest during the past week, and many coverts are announced. The account published in last week's Telegraph had evidently given the movement a fillip, with the result that the service at the Albany Chapel was by far the largest attended meeting held up to that time. The ministers of the town, and others who have taken a prominent part in these meetings were especially delighted with it. The Rev. Owen Jacobs, who conducted the service, made the interesting announcement that never in the history of the town before had there been such a congregation at a prayer-meeting. Downstairs every available space was occupied and the gallery was also about half-filled. Starting quietly the service became more enthusiastic as it proceeded, though there was not that abandonment characteristic of some of the meetings in the rural districts. The highest note was struck by a lady, who offered a very fervent prayer, which led the Rev. O. D. Campbell to invite the ladies to take the leading part in the following night's service at the Bethesda. It was a very pretty compliment he paid to the ladies by saying that he felt assured that what the cold hearts and rougher tongues of men had failed to do, the warmer hearts and softer pleadings of women would accomplish. The good women present responded to Mr Campbell's invitation, and the result was such as to prove that Mr Campbell's compliment was thoroughly well-deserved.
The service lasted until half-past ten. Several inquirers went into the Vestry.
Thursday night's service in the Bethesda Chapel was even better attended than the one on the preceding night. The chapel, both upstairs and down, was also filled. As on the previous night, several ladies sang solos, and many others offered up very touching prayers. One lady handed a slip of paper to the Rev. O. D. Campbell, who conducted the meeting, with the request that someone would pray for her two brothers, one of whom was hesitating "between two opinions" and the other was a scoffer of all things Christian. The request was acceded to, but it is not yet stated whether the two brothers have since come forward. It should also be added that the previous night at the Albany prayers were offered for the salvation of an old man of 80, who was among the congregation, and for several young people who were known to have reached the stage of anxious enquiry.
The following evening the service was held in the Tabernacle Chapel and on Monday evening at the Wesleyan Chapel. As a result of the services there are about 80 converts up to the present time.
From, ‘The Cardigan County Times’, 25th January 1905.
The services in Haverfordwest continue to be most successful and are having unexpected results. At first, people were rather despondent and thought the meetings would be a failure. One minister declared that Haverfordwest was in the midst of a circle of fire and untouched. But now the fire burns in Haverfordwest as intensely as anywhere, and workers go on their way rejoicing at the number of converts which are calculated at over 130.
Perhaps the largest attended meeting yet held was conducted in the Albany Chapel last Thursday night. Both upstairs and down were crowded; seats had to be placed along the aisles, and then many people failed to gain admission, the stairs and vestibule being blocked. It was a most inspiring meeting. Several females offered prayers, and passionate pleadings were addressed to those who still held aloof from the church, Rev. O. Jacobs reminded them that never again in their lives might there be such another Revival, and he asked them to come in on the present wave. Rey. O. D. Campbell was not less earnest. A hymn was given out, but as it was not sung with fervour (the majority of those present were not familiar with it) Mr Jacobs asked them to sing another instead, and "Throw out the life-line" was taken up with gusto.
Over thirty people of various ages walked into the vestry at the invitations extended to them. They were cordially received, and Mr Jacobs said he had seldom seen such an affecting sight as in the vestry that night— the way young and old were meeting together and expressing the innermost feelings of the human heart was extremely moving. One lady convert said she had never felt such a thrill of pleasure as she did that night, and a little girl gave as the reason for her going into the vestry that she felt that if she did not give herself to Christ that night she would never do so again.
Rev. T. G. Griffith expressed the hope that the members of the churches would be also quickened. He said he had been much troubled of late because he thought the church members had not shown the spiritual awakening which they ought to have shown.
The Ebenezer chapel was unable to hold the large congregation on Friday night, and an overflow meeting was held in the schoolroom.
From, ‘The Cardigan County Times’, 1st February 1905.