Now it can be said that "the powers of the eternal Spirit are working powerfully in our land” and thanks be for that. The place where it broke out first of all, and most powerfully, in Llyn, was at Dinas, and some weeks have passed since then, and much fruit can be seen in the area, we are pleased to think that the Spirit of the Lord remains among us. It broke out at Dinas, as everywhere else, among the young people, particularly when they were singing the verse "I heard once that Jesus", and the children took a prominent part in it, and it can without a doubt be said of some of them there "Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise". In addition the sisters, old and young, have been abundantly steeped and the number of converts there is close to 24; From there, the fire spread to Garnfadryn, but so far not so powerfully as at Dinas and other places, although there are a good number there who have attended services now and previously; I am pleased to think that God has remembered one other place in Llyn, namely Penllech; a small church but with numerous listeners. I happened to be there on a Sabbath afternoon at the end of the year, when there was a good congregation, but things seemed very sluggish, and as I did not feel in the mood to preach because of the excitement in our land, and because of the new and wonderful experience we had had here in Bryn the previous evening at a simple prayer meeting, and also what we had experienced in the 'Children’s Society' at Tudweiliog in the morning, when the son of one of the elders had broken down when saying his verse, and something had gone through the place like electricity, thrilling the congregation, and spurring me on, I believe, to expect greater things. I had gone to Penllech to try to preach, but quite in vain, and I decided it was best to leave the pulpit and have a prayer meeting, and so it was. After calling a meeting afterwards, I exhorted the friends to go forward, and thus it was, and now it is a joy to think that there are now more than 12 converts in this church, apart from the awakening of the members. There are many others at Tudweiliog. Hearing and seeing powerful things around us, we were becoming concerned and fearing that the wave was going to pass by Sarn and Brynmawr and not visit us, but thank God he has remembered us, and marvellous things have happened here. The heat was gradually rising here in the Bryn, and the young people have thrown themselves into church work, and by today we can say "the Lord has done great things for us, whereof we are glad", but yet we firmly believe that there are greater things to come here in Bryn, and that quite soon when the dam has given way completely. Sarn was fairly calm at first, and some people doubted the reality of what was happening in places nearby, and others said that it would never come to Sarn for some reason or another. But thank goodness for the first Sabbath of this year, 1905. I went there on Sunday morning at ten, and I do not hesitate for a moment to say that I felt some divine heat as I entered the chapel, and I think everyone that morning was of the same spirit, I came from there with a strong feeling that there was something different from the usual. The young woman had been praying to God to become an instrument to bring the revival to Sarn, and her prayer was heard. The place is on fire. The first week of the year has been a busy week here. The Kingdom of Jesus Christ is on the way up, and the kingdom of the devil is going down, the chapel is full, and the taverns empty, the boys are bending voluntarily, and admitting their sins, confessing Christ. There are approximately 15 converts. Thanks be to God for visiting Sarn. A word again about Bryn-Mawr. It has been threatening to break out here for some weeks, and sometimes we were inclined to lose heart, but now we do not have the smallest particle of doubt that the Spirit of God is evident among us, but at the end of the first week, the tide rose, and on Saturday evening and Sunday it was very obvious… We had arranged a service here on Monday evening, and for the promising young man from Rhiwlas, Arfon, to preach, and we were glad to have him here with us to help us in the work, having fired it in Bala and Bethesda. In the afternoon we were burying a dear brother, one of the church's faithful, an undoubted Christian, as many preachers know who have come in the vehicle with John Williams from Pwllheli to the neighbouring circuits. This was the strangest funeral I have ever been in, the service under the influence of the Spirit of God, and hard men weeping like children. This raised our expectations for great things that night, and we were not disappointed. Mr Williams was powerful, a meeting was called, and we were happy to see three young men, who all work at the same farm, giving themselves to Jesus Christ, and Oh, what a scene, everyone weeping and rejoicing. After this, a meeting was held for the young people, and during this, it broke out, when they were singing, "No-one but Jesus," Then comes forward one of the brethren, but being overcome and shouting for his life, 'Thanks for forgiveness' and everyone giving thanks with him. Following him comes a young brother to pray, the most 'original' things I have ever heard. It is obvious that he understands clearly the way to the throne. Then a young girl who feels the powers of the Spirit of God forcefully; also two sisters from Dinas and a young woman from here. There is still a lot of work here, many heads of families who have not surrendered. They are wounded, but have not given up, and for that reason, we are determined to keep going. There was a prayer meeting, and it was evident that the Spirit of the Lord was moving through the service. There were 6 converts through this meeting.
Goleuad - 13th January 1905
Gellir dweyd erbyn hyn fod "nerthoedd y tragywyddol Ysbryd yn gweithio yn rymus yn ein gwlad, a diolch am hyny. Y man y torodd allan gyntaf, ac yn fwyaf grymus yn Lleyn, ydoedd yn y Dinas, ac mae rhai wythnosau wedi myned heibio er hyny, a ffrwyth mawr i'w weled yn yr ardal, a da genym feddwl fod Ysbryd yr Arglwydd yn aros yn en plith. Torodd allan yn y Dinas fel ymhob man arall ymhiith y bobl ieuainc, Hefyd mae y chwiorydd yn hen ac ieuanc wedi cael eu trwytho yn helaeth a'r y dychweledigion yno yn agos i 24; Oddiyno ymledodd y tan i Garnfadiyn, bnd hyd yma nid mot1 rymus a'r Dinas a lleoedd eraill, er fod yno nifer dda o rai wedi troi i mewn i'r eglwys yn awr afe yn flaenorol i hyii; Da genym feddwl fod Duw we'di cbfi6 dm uli life afall yii Lleyn, Set PenÍlech; eglwys feclian; ohd y gwrandawylyn lliosog. Digwyddais fod yno brydnawn Sabbath ddiwedd y flwyddyn, a chynulleidfa dda wedi dyfod ynghyd, ond pethau yn ymddangos yn farwaidd iawn, a chan nad oeddwn yn teimlo yn hwylus i bregethu oherwydd y cyffro sydd yn ein gwlad, a'r profiad newydd a hyfryd oeddym wedi ei gael yn y Bryn yma y noson cynt mewn cyfarfod gweddi syml, ac hefyd yr hyn gawsom yn Seiat y Plant' yn Tydweiliog yn y boreu, pan y torodd mab i un o'r blaenoriaid i lawr wrth ddweyd ei adnod, ac fe aeth fel trydan drwy y lie, nes gwefreiddo y gynulleidfa am y dydd, a'u symbylu mi gredaf i ddisgwyl pethau mwy ymlaen. Aethum i Penllech i geisio pregethu, ond yn hollol ofer, a bernais mai gwell oedd dyfod o'r pulpud a chael cyfarfod gweddi, ac felly y bu. Ar ol galw seiat ar ol, cymhellais y cyfeillion i fyned ymlaen, ac felly y bu, ac erbyn hyn mae yn llawen meddwl fod yn yr eglwys hen erbyn hyn dros 12 o ddychweledigion, ar wahan i ddeffroad yn yr aelodau. Mae nifer fawr yn Tydweiliog. Wrth glywed a gweled pethau grymus o'n cwmpas, yr oeddym yn myned i bryderu ac i ofni rhag i'r don fyned heibio i'r Sarn a Brynmawr heb ymweled a ni, ond diolch i Dduw mae wedi ein cofio, ac mae yma bethau rhyfedd wedi digwydd. Yr oedd y gwres yn graddol godi yma yn y Bryn. a'r bobl ieuainc wedi ymdaflu i waith yn yr eglwys, ac erbyn heddyw gallwn ddweyd, yr Arglwydd a wnaeth ini bethau mawrion, am hyny yr ydym yn llawen," ond eto credwn yn gryf fod pethau mwy i fod yn y Bryn yma a hyny yn bur fuan, pan y bydd yr argau wedi tori yn llwyr. Lled ddigyffro oedd y Sarn ar y cyntaf, a rhai o honynt yn amheu reality yr hyn oedd yn y lleoedd cyfagos, ac eraill yn dweyd na ddeuai byth i'r Sarn am ryw reswm neu gilydd. Ond diolch byth am y Sabbath cyntaf o'r flwyddyn hon 1905. Aethum yno boreu Sul at ddeg, ac nid wyf yn petruso am eiliad ddweyd imi deimlo ryw wres dwyfol wrth fyned i mewn i'r capel, a chredaf fod pawb y boreu hwnw yn yr un yspryd, daethum oddiyno gan dybio yn gryf fod yno rhywbeth yn wahanol i'r arferol. Yr eneth ieuanc wedi bod yn gweddio ar Dduw am gael bod yn offeryn i ddwyn y diwygiad i'r Sarn, a chafodd ei gwrando yn yr hyn a ofynodd. Mae y lie ar dan. Bu yr wythnos gyntaf o'r flwyddyn yn wythnos brysur yma. Teyrnas Iesu Grist yn mynd i fyny, a theyrnas y diafol yn mynd i lawr, y capel yn llawn, a'r tafarnau yn wag, y bechgyn yn plygu yn wirfoddol, ac yn cyfaddef eu pechodau, gan gyffesu Crist. Mae y dychweledigion oddeutu 15. Diolch iddo am gofio'r Sarn. Gair eto am Brynmawr. Yr oedd yn bygwth tori yma er's rhai wythnosau, ac weithiau yr oeddym yn tueddu i ddigaloni; ond erbyn hyn nid oes genym y gronyn lleiaf o amheuaeth nad ydyw Ysbryd Duw yn amlwg yn ein plith. ond diwedd yr wythnos gyntaf, cododd y llanw, a nos Sadwrn a'r Sul yr oedd yn amlwg iawn... Dyma y gladdedigaeth rhyfeddaf y buom ynddo I erioed y gwasanaeth dan ddylanwad Ysbryd Duw, a dynion celyd yn wylo fel plant. Cododd hyn ein disgwyliadau am bethau mawr y nos, ac ni chawsom ein siomi. Mr Williams yn rymus, galwyd seiat, a llawen oeddym o weled tri o ddynion ieuainc, ac sydd yn cydwasanaethu yn yr un fferm, yn rhoddi eu hunain i Iesu Grist; ac O, dyma olygfa, pawb yn wylo ac yn llawenychu. Yn dilyn, cafwyd cyfarfod i'r bobl ieuainc, ac yn hwn y torodd allan, pan yn canu "Neb ond Iesu" Yna daw un o'r brodyr ymlaen, ond yn cael ei orchfygu ac yn gwaeddi am ei fywyd, Diolch am faddeuant,' a phawb yn diolch gydag ef. Yn ei ddilyn daw brawd ieuanc i weddio, a dyma'r pethau mwyaf 'original' glywsom erioed. Mae yn amlwg ei fod yn deall y ffordd yn glir at yr orsedd. Yna merch ieuanc sydd wedi teimlo nerthoedd Ysbryd Duw yn rymus; hefyd dwy chwaer o'r Dinas, a gwraig ieuanc oddiyma. Mae yma waith mawr eto, llawer o benau teuluoedd heb ildio. Maent wedi eu clwyfo, ond heb roddi i fyny; ac am hyny yr ydym yn benderfynol o ddal ati. Cafwyd cyfarfod gweddi, ac amlwg ydoedd fod Ysbryd yr Arglwydd yn ymsymud trwy y gwasanaeth. Cafwyd 6 o ddychweledigion drwy y cyfarfod hwn.
Goleuad - 13th January 1905.