Gilead Independent Chapel - Coity (1905)

The events at Gilead on Christmas night will be long remembered - twenty-three young people being received for the first time – a scene whose like has not been seen here before. The young people are full of the spirit of revival, and it is wonderful to hear them tell of their experiences, praying and praising God. The cause seems to be thriving here at the moment - a number are still to be received at the next fellowship. Meetings are held every night, and people are continually coming to attend them.

Y Celt - 20th January 1905

Additional Information

Nis anghofir yn fuan yr hyn gymerodd Ie yn Gilead, nos Nadolig—tri ar hugain o bobl ieuainc yn cael eu derbyn o'r newydd-golygfa na welwyd ei chyffelyb yn y lie hwn o'r blaen. Mae y bobl ieuainc yn llawn o ysbryd yr adfywiad, a hyfryd ydyw eu clywed yn dweyd eu profiadau yn gweddio a. moli Duw. Y mae golwg lewyrchus ar yr achos yn y lie hwn ar hyn o bryd-y mae nifer eto i'w derbyn y cymundeb nesaf.Cynelir cyfarfodydd bob nos, a rhai yn troi i fewn yn barhaus.

Y Celt 20th January 1905

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