Revival meetings are held at Tyddyn Shon, and during the week there have been eleven conversions.
From, 'The Carnarvon and Denbigh Herald', 16th December 1904.
We continue to have blessed meetings here. The heavenly influences are to be felt more generally this week, and their effects on some people are more overwhelming. We had an unforgettable meeting on Saturday evening. The meeting began as usual at seven o'clock, and it was one o'clock in the morning before we left the vestry, and many were unwilling to leave even then. Thirteen people took part in the prayers after midnight. The brothers and sisters vied to take part from the beginning to the end of the service, and the congregation was in the grip of intense feelings. On Sunday afternoon, before chapel full of spectators, our dear pastor, the Rev. D. R. Owen baptised one sister and eight young brothers, the fruit of the Revival, and received them [into the church] in the evening. together with another sister by letter, making the church numbers at the beginning of the year 101, an increase of 28 in the course of the year. Others still before the church. Our prayer is that the Lord continue in the influences of his Spirit in our midst.
20th January 1905, Seren Cymru newspaper
Parhau i gael cyfarfodydd bendigedig yr ydym ni yma o hyd. Mae y dylanwadau nefol i'w teimlo yr wythnos yma yn fwy cyffredinol, a'u heffeithiau yn fwy llethol ar amryw. Cawsom nos Sadwrn gyfarfod nad annghofir. Dechreuwyd y cyfarfod fel arfer am saith o'r gloch, ac yr oedd yn un o'r gloch y boreu arnom yn gadael y vestry, a Ilawer yn anfoddIon myn'd y pryd hyny. Cymmerodd 13 ran yn gweddio wedi hanner nos. 'Roedd y brodyr a'r chwiorydd am y cyntaf i gymmeryd rhan o'r dechreu i'r diwedd, a'r gynnulleidfa dan deimladau dwys. Prydnawn Sul yn newydd llon'd y capel o edrychwyr, bedyddiodd ein hanwyl weinidog, y Parch D. R Owen, un chwaer ac wyth o frodyr ieuainc, ffrwyth y Diwygiad, ac yn eu derbyn yn yr hwyr, yn nghyd a chwaer arall trwy lythyr, yn gwnevd rhif yr eglwys ar ddechreu y flwyddyn yn 101. cynnydd o 28 yn nghorff y flwyddyn. Ereill etto o flaen yr eglwys. Ein gweddi yw, ar i'r Arglwydd barhau yn nylanwadau ei Yspryd yn ein plith.
20th January 1905, Seren Cymru.