The tide of the Revival has reached this little rural place. It had for some time been expected, hoped for, and prayed for. Around mid-January, the dawn broke very gradually, and by ones or twos people stayed behind on the following Sundays. Revival meetings were held here for three evenings, March 20th - 22nd, by the evangelist Miss Condie of Dowlais. Heaven and earth smiled on us in these meetings. We were favoured with pleasant weather, and more than that, the Great Comforter worked among us and a good number expressed their intention of taking up the cross and following Jesus Christ as their Saviour. The Sunday services are more popular and animated after the Revivalist meetings, and we hold meetings three times a week apart from the Sabbath. Last Sabbath we had the privilege of baptizing in the river Taf Fechan, before a large crowd of respectable onlookers, 5 sisters, and 11 brothers on a profession of their faith in the Son of God. We had good weather for the baptism, and at the end, the "voice from heaven" could be heard in the form of thunder, and the rain fell on many of the spectators before they reached their homes.
28th April 1905, Seren Cymru
Y mae llanw y Diwygiad wedi cyrhaedd bellach y lie bychan gwledig hwn. Buwyd yn disgwyl, yn gobeithio, ae yn gweddio am beth amser. Tua chanol lonawr torodd y wawr yn raddol tawn, a phob yn un neu ddau arosodd amryw ar ol y Suliau dilynol. Cynnaliwyd cyrddau diwygiadol yma am dair noson, Mawrth 20fed— 22ain, gan yr efengyles Miss Condie o Dowlais. Gwenai nef a daear arnom yn y cyrddau hyn. Ffafriwyd ni a thywydd dymunol, .a mwy na hyny, gweithiodd y Dyddanydd Mawr yn ein mysg ac amlygodd nifer dda eu bwriad i godi y groes a dilyn Iesu Grist fel eu Ceidwad. Y mae oedfaon y Sul yn fwy poblog a hwyliog ar ol y cyrddau Diwygiadol, a chynnaliwn tci chwrdd yn yr wythnos heblaw ar y Sabbath. Y Sabbath diweddaf cawsom y fraint o fedyddio yn yr afon Tat-fechan, yn ngwydd torf fawr o edrychwyr parchus, bump o chwiorydd, ac unarddeg o frodyr ar brofes o'u ffydd yn Mab Duw. Cawsom dywydd braf i fedyddio, end ar derfyn y bedydd, y mae "llef o'r nef" i'w chlywed ar ffurf y daran, a disgynodd y gwlaw ar lawer o'r edrychwyr cyn iddynt gyrhaeddyd i'w cartrefi.
28th April 1905, Seren Cymru