Ebenezer Welsh Wesleyan Methodist Chapel - Groes (1905)

The shower has fallen heavily on this village. People here were cold and apathetic for a few weeks, but the Spirit descended very suddenly and powerfully. The three denominations unite, the chapel is full every evening. The young people take their own path, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. They have had about 30 converts in a fortnight. A young girl used to be almost too shy to recite a verse in the List [=?when her turn came], under the influence of the Holy SpIrit rends the heavens and agitates a chapel full of people with her prayers. 'Thank you, Lord,' she said, 'for answering the prayers my sister said for her husband before she died.' He had been one of the converts the previous evening. 'Lord, save my father,' she said, 'he is a kind father, but gets drunk and uses bad language. Save him Lord.' A young boy too, ‘Save my dear mother, she is here in Your house tonight, for the first time in months; save her tonight.' His prayer was heard that night; his mother gave herself to Christ.' The churches at Y Groes and Trelogan have been on fire from the beginning, and the fire is still hot; even though the residents are scattered, some walk miles every night, in all weathers, to attend the meetings. And they are excellent meetings, all in the Spirit desiring Christ's coronation. Trelogan has had some of the best meetings and a good number of converts. There was a concert at Y Groes recently; it was the most wonderful concert I ever attended. In fact it was a means of grace; the chapel was full of worshippers. One of the boys here, reciting a story about a drunkard, brought a lump in my throat and tears to my eyes. The schoolhouse there was a glorious place last Sunday evening; the prayer meeting started at five. It was twenty minutes to eight before the preacher had an opportunity to speak, despite several previous attempts. Young women and others rejoiced and prayed in tears. The meetings last Monday and Friday evenings were similar. At the end it was seen that one person had stayed behind in the Society meeting. At that, some of the brothers got up and said that they had prayed for him a great deal in secret and felt assured that God had answered their prayers.

'Y Gwyliedydd' (Rhyl) 2nd February 1905.

Additional Information

Mae'r gawod wedi disgyn yn drwm ar y pentref hwn. Oer a didaro y buont yma am rai wythnosau, ond disgynodd yr Yspryd yn sydyn a grymus iawn. Una y tri enwad, y capel yn llawn bob nos. Cymer y bobl ieuainc eu ffordd eu hunain, dan arweiniad yr Yspryd Glan. Maent wedi cael tua 30 o ddychweledigion mewn pythefnos. Merch ieuanc arferai fod bron yn rhy wylaidd i ddyweyd adnod yn y Rhestr, dan ddylanwad yr Yspryd yn rhwygo'r nefoedd ac yn cynhyrfu llond capel o bobl gyda'u gweddiau. 'Diolch i ti, Arglwydd,' meddai, 'am ateb gweddiau fy chwaer cyn iddi farw, ar ran ei phriod.' Yr oedd ef yn un o'r dychweledigion y noson, flaenorol. 'Arglwydd, achub fy nhad,' meddai, 'mae'n dad caredig, ond yn meddwi 'a defnyddio iaith ddrwg. 'Achub di ef, Arglwydd.' Bachgen ieuanc drachefn, Achub fy mam anwyl, mae yma heno y tro cyntaf iddi fod yn Dy dy er's misoedd; achub hi heno.' Gwrandawyd ei weddi y noson honno, rhoddodd ei fam ei hun i Grist. Mae eglwysi y Groes a Threlogan wedi eu tanio er y dechreu, ac mae'r tan yn dal yn, ei wres; er fod y trigolion yn wasgarog, cerddir milld roedd bob nos trwy bob tywydd gan rai er bod yn y cyfarfod. A chyfarfodydd rhagorol ydynt, pawb yn yr Yspryd am goroni Crist. Mae Trelogan wedi cael rhai o'r cyfarfodydd goreu, a nifer dda o ddychweledigion. Cafwyd cyngherdd yn y Groes yn ddiweddar. Dyna'r cyngherdd rhyfeddaf y bum ynddo erioed. Yr oedd yn foddion gras mewn gwirionedd, llond capel yn addoli oedd yno. Un o'r bechgyn yma wrth adrodd hanes y meddwyn yn codi lwmp i'm gwddf a dagrau i'm llygaid. Yr ysgoldy yno le gogoneddus nos Sul diweddaf; cyfarfod gweddio yn dechreu am bump. Yr oedd yn ugain munud i wyth cyn i'r pregethwr gael cyfleustra i ddyweyd ei destyn, er gwneud ambell i ymgais blaenorol. Merched ieuainc ac eraill yn gorfoleddu a gweddio mewn dagrau. Rhai tebyg oedd cyfarfodydd nos Lun a nos Wener diweddaf. Ar y terfyn gwelid fod un wedi aros yn y Seiat. Ar hynny dyma rai o'r brodyr yn codi ac yn dyweud eu bod wedi gweddio llawer dros y ddychweledig yn y dirgel a theimlent yn sicr fod Duw wedi ateb eu gweddiau. 

'Y Gwyliedydd' (Rhyl) 2nd February 1905.

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