United meetings are held at Tanyfron and Glanrafon, in the Coedpoeth circuit, every night of the week, except for a couple of nights when the meetings are held in the individual churches. They are wonderful meetings here too. On the evening of Monday, Jan 16th, the united meeting was held at our church in Tanyfron, a meeting we will always remember. The Congregationalists were to provide a preacher that evening, and chose the Rev. T E Thomas, Coedpoeth. There was a prayer meeting at six, and the sermon was to begin at seven. When seven o'clock came there was no hope of beginning the sermon, since great rejoicing had broken out in the prayer meeting, when some people were praying. I cannot describe the meeting when the people were rejoicing. For some time all the people were praying, or singing, or praying at the same time. It was the most wonderful meeting ever held here. At about eight o'clock Mr Thomas began to preach, and it was a very appropriate sermon for the Revival.
Glanrafon - The united meeting on Thursday evening was held in our chapel at Glanrafon. The chapel was packed – the elders' seat and the pulpit were full, and benches had to be brought in from the schoolhouse too. The Rev. Hugh Evans was to preach that evening. A prayer meeting was held at six, as at the previous meeting, and the sermon was to begin at seven, but the meeting went so well that the preaching could not begin until getting on for eight o'clock. The sermon was particularly fitted to the Revival here, and there was a strong influence during the sermon. The sermon ended a little before half past eight. When the hymn was sung before the prayer at the conclusion of the sermon, a young girl came forward from the congregation to the elders' seat to sing – her song was full of the spirit of the gospel and she sang very earnestly and effectively. At the end of that song, she suddenly broke into 'Throw out the Lifeline’. The crowd begun to join in and continued singing for some time. The feeling rose higher – some people began to pray, and the Divine influence was very strong. The young girl who had sung began to pray, and did so very powerfully. Some of the converts could be heard praying in tears. There was a small boy, with his high, immature voice, praying for God to save his grandfather. Then, before long, a boy in the elders' seat began to pray - he gave thanks to the Lord for taking away his lust for 'football', and that he now carried a Testament in his pocket. The tide had risen very high by now, and although general rejoicing did not break out as it had on Monday evening, it was a very powerful meeting.
Receiving the New Converts. -Last Tuesday evening, Jan 17th, the Rev. Hugh Evans admitted to the Lord's Table twenty-one converts of the Revival, those who have joined our church at Mynydd Seion, Tanyfron. It was a wonderful sight to see such a number being received. There was one old man among them, but otherwise all but three or four were young people. It was a very intense meeting. We do not think anyone who was there will ever forget the scene. A number of people participated in the meeting. Our minister gave the converts some suitable advice, and all the elders, and some others, also spoke. May God give the converts strength to remain faithful to the end. There are others here to be admitted later.
'Y Gwyliedydd' (Rhyl) 26th January 1905.
The Wrexham Advertiser reported that Tanyfron and Southsea had 100 new members on 8th April 1905.
Cyfarfodydd undebol a gynhelir yn Tanyfron a Glanrafon, cylchdaith Coedpoeth, bob nos o'r wythnos, ond rhyw ddwy noson, pryd y cynhelir cyfarfodydd cartrefol, pob eglwys yn ei lle ei hun. Ceir cyfarfodydd bendigedig yma hefyd. Nos Lun, Ion. 16eg, cynhelid y cyfarfod undebol yn ein heglwys ni yn Nhanyfron, a cyfarfod nad a'n anghof byth ydoedd. Yr Annibynwyr oedd i ofalu am bregethwr y noson hono, a dewiswyd y Parch T E Thomas, Coedpoeth. Cynhelid cyfarfod gweddi am chwech, ac yr oedd y bregeth i ddechreu am saith. Pan y daeth saith o'r gloch nid oedd gobaith cael dechreu pregethu, oherwydd yr, oedd wedi tori yn orfoledd mawr yn y cyfarfod gweddi, pan yr oedd rhai yn gweddio. Nis gallaf disgrifio y cyfarfod pan yr oedd y bobl yn gorfoleddu. Am beth amser yno yr oedd yr holl bobl yn gweddio, neu yn camu, neu yn gweddio ar unwaith. Dyma'r cyfarfod rhyfeddaf gafwyd yma erioed. Tua wyth o'r gloch dechreuodd Mr Thomas bregethu, a chafwyd pregeth gyfaddas iawn i'r Diwygiad.
Glanrafon - Cynhaliwyd y cyfarfod undebol nos Iau yn ein capel ni yn Nghlan'rafon. Yr oedd y capel yn orlawn—yr oedd y set fawr a'r pulpud yn llawn, a bu raid cael meinciau o'r ysgoldy hefyd. Y Parch Hugh Evans oedd i bregethu y noson yma. Cynhaliwyd cyfarfod gweddio am chwech fel y cyfarfod blaenorol, ac yr oedd y bregeth i ddechreu am saith; ond yr oedd y fath fynd a'r y cyfarfod fel na chafwyd dechreu pregethu hyd nes yr oedd yn tynu at wyth o'r gloch. Cafwyd pregeth neulltual o bwrpasol i adeg y Diwygiad yma, ac yr oedd y dylanwad yn gryf yn ystod y bregeth. Terfynwyd y bregeth ychydig cyn hanner awr wedi wyth. Pan y cenid yr emyn cyn y weddi ar ddiwedd y bregeth, daeth merch ieuanc o'r gynulleidfa ymlaen i'r set fawr i ganu—canodd yn ddwys ac effeithiol iawn gan oedd yn llawn o yspryd yr efengyl. Ar ddiwedd y gan yna, torodd allan i ganu yn sydyn, 'Throw out the Lifeline' Aeth y dorf i ganu gyda hi, a chanu y buwyd am amser. Cododd y teimlad yn uwch—aeth amryw i weddi, ac yr oedd, y dylanwad Dwyfol yn gryf iawn. Aeth y ferch ieuanc fu'n canu, i weddi, a gweddiodd yn rymus iawn. Clywyd rhai o'r dychweledigion yn gweddio yn eu dagrau. Yr oedd yno un bachgen bychan, gyda'i lais main, tyner yn gweddio am i Dduw achub ei daid. Dyna fachgen o'r set fawr yn y man yn gweddio—diolchai am i'r Arglwydd dynu chwant y 'football' oddi arno, ac am ei fod yn awr yn cario Testament yn ei boced. Cododd y llanw yn uchel iawn erbyn hyn, ac er na thorodd yn orfoledd cyffredinol fel nos Lun, yr oedd yn gyfarfod grymus iawn.
Derbyn y Dychweledigion Newydd.—Nos Fawr diweddaf, Ion, 17eg, derbyniwyd gan y Parch Hugh Evans at Fwrdd yr Arglwydd un-ar-hugain o ddychweledigion y Diwygiad, y rhai sydd wedi dod mewn i'n heglwys ni, yn Mynydd Seion, Tanyfron. Yr oedd hi Mr olygfa ardderchog gweled y fath nifer yn cael eu derbyn. Yr oedd yna un hen wr yn eu plith, neu pobl ieuainc oedd bron yr oll ohonynt ond rhyw dri neu bedwar. Cafwyd cyfarfod dwys iawn. Credwn nad a'r olygfa byth o gof neb oedd yno. Cymerwyd rhan gan amryw yn y cyfarfod. Rhoddwyd gair o gynghor priodol i'r dychweledigion gan ein gweinidog, a chafwyd gair hefyd gan yr holl flaenoriaid, ac amryw eraill. Rhodded Duw nerth i'r dychweledigion ddal yn ffyddlon hyd y diwedd. Mae yma rai i gael eu derbyn eto.
'Y Gwyliedydd' (Rhyl) 26th January 1905.