Seth Joshua, 7th January 1905 (Saturday). Travelled to-day to Hoylake, Cheshire. Arrived about 7 o’clock, and gave an address in the Institute at 7.30. There was a good, full audience, and the people seemed full of expectation. 8 (Sunday). The Lord was at work today. A Divine touch came into the 6.30 meeting, when three or four stood for Jesus. Also at the 8 p.m. meeting in the Institute the power fell upon many. There were surely fifteen conversions. The lack is that of workers and soul winners. There are several here who have been led into the ministry of intercession. 9 (Monday). We had a good meeting tonight, and ten souls came to Christ. At one time there was a strong Satanic power among several young people. They laughed and scoffed among themselves, and yet many of them were sobered before the end. A few came out for salvation, while others promised to think over it. We visited a few today and did good work. 10 (Tuesday). Blessed times to-day at Hoylake, and many conversions. 11 (Wednesday). We had another day to be remembered. One whole family of six has been saved. 12 (Thursday). Many conversions. It is exactly like our Welsh Revival. The same spirit, the same fruit, and the very same manifestations. I visited Torrey’s meetings at Liverpool today. He asked me to give them an account of the work in Wales, which I did. 13 (Friday). Many more conversions. There has not been one single meeting without fruit here at Hoylake.15th (Sunday). A lovely Sunday. We saw many turn unto the Lord this day, and the power was over all the services.
16th (Monday): Gave the story of my life to-night, and at the close a large number came to Jesus. Over seventy names were taken down, and many others were saved but missed by the workers.
From, Seth and Frank Joshua: The Story of their Wonderful Life Work- T. Mardy Rees (1926).
Became the YMCA, but now replaced by flats. It may have been on the other side of Hoyle Road.