Shakespeare Street United Methodist Free Church, Nottingham - James Caughey (1865)

- The readers of the Revival will be glad to learn that the Rev. J. Caughey still continues better, and is now conducting special religious services in Shakespeare Street Chapel with his usual ability and success. He opened his commission on January 8, preached morning and evening to overflowing congregations, and in the evening great numbers could not get in. In the morning he referred to his ten weeks very severe illness; also, to the divine consolation by which he was enabled to bear pain without even ten minutes depression. On Sabbath afternoon and Monday evening, the usual meetings for prayer and council were held. The sermons during the week, as well as on the Sabbath, were characterised by much deep though clear and consecutive reasoning, and most brilliant and apt illustrations, with every now and then a powerful appeal to the understanding and conscience. The Friday evening service was a very able defence of the doctrine of Sanctification, interspersed with beautiful illustrations. Through the whole week there was a great struggle for victory. On the part of the unconverted, there was a determination not to give way. It was evident Mr Caughey was fully aware of this, and therefore fully resolved on driving the enemy from the field of conflict. On Sabbath, the 15th, the sermons were very appropriate. That
in the evening was a masterly exposition of the decalogue. It seemed as if the people, alarmed by this re-echo of the thunders of Sinai, were anxious to hide themselves or escape from the chapel as soon as possible, exclaiming, "I never heard anything like this, and never expect to do so again." The fallow ground having been thoroughly broken up, the good seed which had been sown began to show evident signs of life, and the last fewvdays the harvest has been more abundant.
All being well, I will send further details next week.-Yours truly,
SAMUEL MARSH, Secretary.

"The Revival," February 2nd, 1865

The gracious work is still increasing in interest, in extent, and in power. Some who have come to the chapel with the intention of having a little merriment, have been so fully convinced of their sinfulness and danger that they have gone to the communion-rail, and found mercy through the blood of the Lamb. Several cases of restitution have also been reported to us as having occurred. Another remarkable feature of this revival is, the great changes which have taken place in whole families. One of our members (a convert of Mr Caughey's on a previous visit) has had the pleasure of seeing her mother, seventy-three years of age, and four other members of the family brought in. It is pleasing after five weeks' services to find the generality of the cases are so genuine. We have male and female members to look after the converts and the reports they give of them are very cheering and satisfactory. Our own people have been thoroughly quickened, and fully satisfied with the work. It is a most magnificent sight to see about 2,000 people packed together, all eager to catch every word as it falls from the preacher's lips. I have sometimes sat upon the platform, in full view of the audience and as I have listened to the thrilling description of incidents by sea and by land, to the terrible denunciations against sin, and to the convincing logic of the preacher, and have seen the effect in the big tears chasing each other down the cheeks, in changes of countenance, in the hearty response or in the death-like stillness, which have alternatively prevailed, I have said there is a tremendous power in the gospel, and a tremendous responsibility resting upon those who hear it. God help us to do our duty. - Wesleyan Times.

"The Revival," February 16th, 1865

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