My dear Brother in Jesus, A letter of Miss Grant reminds me that I ought to write a short account of God's work here. For a long time before my visit to Canfield some of God's children were crying to Him, "Wilt Thou not revive us again that thy people may rejoice in Thee?" I came here on New Year's Eve when watch night services were held, and the power of God
fell. The next day spoke to the believers in the afternoon as we were gathered round the Lord's table and had a blessed time lifting up Jesus to the gaze of the poor sinners in the evening and from that time we have had meetings every evening and nearly every person in the village has heard the message. Our meetings held alternatively in the Congregational and Wesleyan chapels, hare ever been attended by the presence and power of God. I generally speak first to the Christians, and then ask them to lift up their hands to the Lord while I speak to the unsaved; after which we hold a prayer meeting. Once we invited the believers to our united communion. Although the evening was rough and the road bad, a goodly number assembled. God's people have been much revived, and some precious souls profess to have ventured their all on Jesus. The brother Pearce, the minister here, came to me about ten o'clock one morning, asking me to go into the school close by where a number of the children were broken down about their sins. I went and never before witnessed such a scene amongst children. We immediately held a meeting, pleading with God that peace might be given to them at once and before twelve o'clock seven or eight were rejoicing. Some of them poured out heart-breaking prayers, scarcely audible amidst the sobs; and as one after another found peace, their countenances beamed out the joy that was filling their souls. We held meetings with them nearly every day that week, and several more found peace in Jesus. There was no excitement; they were all suddenly broken down just after they began the usual school duties. Last week was the ninth that I have been here and the attendance each night was good. Several backsliders have been restored and several who never came to hear the gospel before profess to have received Christ into their hearts, the hope of glory.
"The Revival," March 16th, 1865.
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