Salcombe Methodist Chapel (1861)

The Wesleyans, as well as the Bible Christians and the Plymouth Brethren, have been holding special services in their several places of worship during the past week; and on the evening of Thursday last the before-mentioned denominations all met at the school-room of the Wesleyan Chapel, and had a united prayer-meeting, which was the first ever held at Salcombe. Rev. Robert Dillon, Wesleyan minister, Rev. Henry Cocks, Bible Christian minister, and the Rev. Mr Pomeroy, of the Plymouth Brethren, were present, and assisted, among many others, in the conduct of the special and united prayer-meeting; and a very happy season it proved to be to many precious souls. The midday services at the Wesleyan Chapel during the week were times of special comfort and consolation to many present. A holy influence pervaded all.

Salcombe, till of late, has been a very dead place. On Sun­day last, the 13th inst., the Rev. Mr Tittelton, of Modbury, preached to us, and in the evening there was indeed a great shaking among the dry bones; eight or nine were, we trust, converted to God that night, besides others convinced of sin. The meeting continued till three or four in the morning. On the following evening a meeting was held in the school-room, which lasted till twelve o'clock. So much are the people in earnest for their souls' salvation. Salcombe seems from one end to the other to be awaking from its indifference to spiritual matters.

Jan. 15, 1861. From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume IV, page 39.

I may mention one or two of the striking answers to prayer which have occurred amongst us. During the third week in this year the blessed Lord put forth his power amongst us and within four weeks more than a hun­dred souls were saved. A young brother was praying in the meeting and asked the Lord to smite the sinner in the ale­house. In less than ten minutes one came in, in drink, and knelt down. We talked to and prayed for, him. I heard his statement from his own lips. He knew not how he came there. The next night he was again present, and deeply im­pressed with the necessity of a change of heart; and the fourth evening after, he was enabled to rejoice in the Lord. Some have gone from the meeting, but have been compelled to return again. One young man after going out tried to go home, but could not; he came back and cried aloud as he "meted up the aisle. He found mercy before he left. Another young man was smitten when at work on the deck of a new vessel. He fell down and cried for mercy, and found it; he then jumped to his feet and embraced those who were with him, and who had lately been converted. Some have been convinced of sin in their houses; one a young girl who had not been to any place for prayer. She was convinced of being a sinner in the eight of God by another girl speaking to her. In the evening she was compelled to go to the house of prayer, and there found peace. Another, about eighteen, could not rest in her bed; and, about two in the morning, dressed herself and left the house, her master leading her through the street to the chapel to be prayed for; but the meeting was closed, and they were obliged to return. She has since found peace. At Portle­mouth, a village of about a hundred inhabitants, near us, a similar work has gone on; between twenty and thirty souls saved, and in other villages around the work has commenced.

From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume IV, page 86.

Additional Information

The chapel was close to this spot and was moved to another site in 1928.

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