For some time past there has been a daily meeting of believers for prayer, about a dozen of the Lord's children in an,‘ upper room " in the Iron Gate. These meetings have proved very refreshing to our souls, and now at length we have to acknowledge the wondrous grace of our God in answering prayer for the conversion of sinners.
For two or three weeks past, after the Friday night prayer-meeting held in connexion with the daily meeting, and generally a crowded one, it has been announced that we should be happy if any poor sinners, anxious to find peace through the blood of Jesus, would stay after the close of the meeting for special prayer. A fortnight ago we had two, a young man and a young woman, who thus remained, and they are now happily rejoicing in the Lord; while last Friday night (26th), after the simple addresses of two or three Woolwich youths (who have been paying a visit to this town) there were at least seven under deep conviction of sin, and six of these have testified of their joy in the Lord! It was announced that on the following evening a meeting would be held of converts and inquirers. and some forty assembled. After singing and prayer, a word of exhortation was given from John xiv., which was read and commented upon for the edification of the babes in Christ; other dear brethren followed with a word in season. Those on the Lord's side were then asked to hold up their hands, when nearly all present gave this indication of their faith in Christ. At the close of this meeting 'earnest prayer was offered with several who desired their cases to be specially brought before the Lord, and two or three more were enabled to believe in Jesus, trusting only to his finished work upon the cross. Others went away, not having found peace, but under conviction of sin; and this beginning of the Holy Ghost's work we feel assured will issue in their salvation.
Brethren, pray earnestly for us, that the work of the Lord may go on and prosper, and many more precious souls he gathered into the garner ere the bridegroom come and we be caught up to meet Him in the air! R.
From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume III, page 150.
The blessed revival here spreads every day. All glory be to Jesus! On Lord's-day evening (10th) two hundred were seeking mercy through the precious blood. Our temporary Mission room was crowded to suffocation on our weeknight meeting. Five hundred have desired to meet in weekly classes, and our street preachings average from three to six hundred. This does seem the day of Derby's visitation. May she know it, and use it, lest these things be forever hid from her eyes.
"The Revival," July 24th, 1864.
House unknown.