There has been a gracious revival here during the past month through the instrumentality of a humble servant of Christ, whose name is William Watkiss of Pensnett, near Dudley, a collier. The first fortnight he had revival services at Branston Street chapel; it was at a very low state; very few attended that place of worship. On Sabbath evening service, February 16, it was crowded to that excess numbers could not get in. Also during that fortnight 118 souls professed to find peace in God. May he by his Grace enable them to hold on and prove faithful to the end. Among the number were old and young, dead professors and backsliders. The past fortnight, up to March 2, W Watkins's has been holding special revival services at Mosley Street chapel, in which he has been successful in winning souls. Many kneeling down before God and lamenting over their past sins and crying to God for mercy, have attained mercy and I've had to praise God for his pardoning and forgiving love. Two of my own family have been brought to Jesus. I believe that the good work of grace has begun; a great number have professed to find good. Our much loved brother Watkiss is going to remain in Birmingham another month. May he be rendered a great blessing to many precious souls.
From, 'The Revival', Volume vi, 22nd March 1862.