Kentish Town Congregational Church (1860)

KENTISH TOWN.—As many of the readers of The Revival have taken a deep interest in the work of spiritual awakening at the Congregational Church, Kentish Town, and have often prayed for its continuance and extension, it may be gratifying and encouraging to them to know that the work both continues and prospers. There is reason to believe that souls are converted every Sabbath. The pastor seldom gets home of a Sunday evening till a late hour, in consequence of the numbers of anxious souls who seek interviews with him, and a fuller instruction in the way of salvation. Many of these find peace at once. Frequently those who are shedding tears of sorrow one Sabbath evening are the following shedding tears of joy. Last Sabbath evening was one of the most remarkable that the pastor and congregation have witnessed. More were prayed for by special request than has ever been the case before. The eases of no fewer than sixty were carried before the Lord, and laid in faith at- the feet of Jesus. Most of the requests were for young men—made by parents, sisters, and companions. The following were among the number. This was a mother': " if earnestly implore the prayers of God's people for the con­version of my sons, more especially for that of my eldest son, who is now living far, far from Jesus, and who, if death were to overtake him, would be lost forever. Oh, how this thought distresses me; but I know that God is merciful, and both the Hearer and the Answerer of prayer. Oh, that lie may hear and answer to-night." A father's request was: "The prayers of the church and congregation are earnestly requested by a father for the conversion of an only son—a few moments' silent prayer would avail much." A sister's request was: "The prayers of the pastor and God's people are earnestly desired on behalf of four brothers and a sister, who are far from God, that they may each be convinced of sin, and find peace in Jesus." Another sister's request was: "The prayers of the pastor and congregation are affectionately requested for the conversion of four brothers and two sisters. One of the brothers is now on the mighty deep, and the desire of his sister is that he may be led to a saving knowledge of himself and of Jesus before he reaches land."

Such are specimens of the requests for prayer that were made to so great an extent last Sabbath evening (20th), and they were not disregarded but were carried into the Divine presence with impressive thoughtfulness and much supplication. It is hoped the day is not distant when for many of these thanks will be asked, and notes of praise be raised for a found and felt salvation.

The seasons of greatest impressiveness, and when the Spirit is more manifestly at work on the minds of the people, are the prayer-meetings at the close of the Sabbath evening service in the church, and on Friday evening in the British School Room, Trafalgar-place. There is also a good work going on in the Sabbath-schools. Lately as many of the scholars as forty, sixty, and eighty, have remained after the dismissal in the afternoon has taken place; professedly seeking salvation, and apparently under very deep impressions. But about a month ago, after addresses one Sabbath afternoon by two youths from Woolwich, no fewer than 150 remained, in appa­rently deepest anxiety of mind, and as real seekers for salva­tion. To witness their tears, and listen to their sighings and prayers for mercy, was truly affecting. Not a few professed to find salvation that day.

Will your readers kindly continue their prayers, that the work of the Lord here may extend, and that God's children may have grace and wisdom given to them to deal wisely and successfully with troubled souls, both in instructing and com­forting them.

From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume IV, page 29.

Additional Information

This was the second chapel, the current one is the fourth and on the same site.

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