North-Allerton, YORKS A series of special services continued for six weeks have recently been held in this town. The blessing of God was eminently vouchsafed night after night. There is reason to hope that between sixty and seventy persons were brought to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus. These services (held in the Wesleyan chapel) were preceded by twelve months daily prayer at a. noon-day prayer-meeting, when a few of the Lord's remembrancers, seldom more than half-a-dozen, met together to plead for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The two or three thus gathered in the Saviour's name were often enabled to say, "God blessed us there;" and as they continued to pray, expectation grew strong that God would speedily arise and have mercy upon Zion. When the blessing came, it seemed as though there was scarcely room to contain it. The work of awakening and conversion was chiefly, though by no means exclusively, among the young, nor were the operations of the Divine Spirit confined, to those who had been accustomed to attend a place of worship. Careless sinners were led first to the sanctuary and then to the Saviour.
From the 'Revival Newspaper', Vol IV, p198.
The Chapel was built in 1796, but it then moved to the High Street.