This is the first account of RevivalI have found in London during this revival and the first dramatic account in England.
"For some time past several of the elder children had been under deep religious impressions. It was not however until Tuesday evening, the 20th of September, that the hidden fire burst forth into a flame.
On that occasion an address was delivered by the Reverend J Graham, of Craven Chapel, who gave a deeply interesting account of the revival in the north of Ireland, from a visit to which he had recently returned. Apart from the touching details themselves, there seemed to be nothing remarkable in the style or substance of the address. It was in his usual warm and impressive manner, but only such as the children had frequently listened to at other times. And it was not till the speaker left that the Spirit's application of the spoken word was strikingly manifested. But then a scene occurred which none who were present can ever forget. The number of boys were nearly 100, that of the girls about 50, varying in ages from 6 to 16. With scarcely an exception, this juvenile congregation seemed then to be brought suddenly under overwhelming impressions of the guilt and danger as sinners and earnest appeals to God for mercy, mingled with loud and bitter sobbing, were heard through all the room. It was after 10 o'clock when the service was concluded, but for hours afterwards did this Bochim scene continue and some of the conscience stricken children never closed their eyes that night. Many however were brought to joy and peace in believing in a very short time and were able to retire to rest with a sweet assurance of having obtained peace with God and complete salvation through the blood of Christ. The remainder of the week was a season of anxious enquiry and earnest wrestling with God on the part of the awakened and of joyful praise and fervent intercession on the part of those who had closed with Christ and found rest to their souls. Solemn prayer meetings have been held every evening since that memorable night, even the youngest boys and girls engaging in heaven taught supplications and thanksgivings with their teachers or amongst themselves alone."
From, 'The Revival', Volume I, 1st October, 1859