Dear Sir, — For several years past our cause has been very low; the place seemed almost forsaken, and a prayer-meeting could scarce be held on account of the deadness of the church. Still in the breasts of a few pious souls there was, I believe, an earnest groan that God would again visit us; and the hearts of some seemed often filled with confidence that God would again bless us. On March 10 last, a brother, named John Lovel, was with us, and it was then the blessing came down; after the sermon there was a prayer-meeting, after which the seeking ones were invited into the school-room. There they at once gave vent to their feelings. I shall never forget the cries of three dear girls who had been taught in the Sabbath-school. We laboured with them, praying and directing them to Jesus, the Lamb of God, who bore away the sins of the world, till a late hour, and it was with difficulty we could get them to leave to go to their homes. I could not find that any found peace through believing that night, but the Wednesday following several were enabled to rejoice in the bleeding Lamb.
Meetings have been held twice and three times a week since, and scarce one without remarkable instances of the power of God to save. Some thirty or forty have, we believe, been savingly converted to God. There are many now in deep distress about their souls. The work is still spreading all around. At Wedmore there is a great stir; souls have been of late converted to God, all glory to his name. The landlords begin to tremble. The new song is heard all around
"I do believe, I will believe,
That Jesus died for me."
"Happy day, when Jesus washed my sins away."
May the Lord still go on to be gracious. We ask the prayers of the people of God.
From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume IV, page 167.
The annual watch night of the Wesleyans was held on the 31st of December last, and during the meeting there were two, so deeply convinced of sin, that they could not rest until they had obtained peace with God. This circumstance led the friends to believe that the Lord was waiting to be gracious. They, and announced special services to be held in the chapel every night, and secured the services of John Notley, of Bristol, (or Happy Johnny,) a Christian of about thirty-five years' experience, and like Richard Weaver, a converted collier; he is poor in this world's goods and illiterate; but, "the Lord will work by whom he will work." The special services were continued for three weeks, and during that time there were about fifty souls (as far as man can judge) soundly converted. Although these services have been over now for two months, glory be to God He has not left us; but is still blessing the labours of his people. Since the commencement of the present year there have been about eighty members added to the Wesleyan society, whilst other denominations have also had a considerable increase; in fact there is a general improvement throughout the place which the following fact will testify. One of our magistrates in conversation the other day stated, that at the petty sessions held weekly, they have not had a case from Wedmore for two or three weeks, a circumstance which has not occurred before for years. Some of the greatest drunkards in the place have been brought to a knowledge of the Saviour, and of all the others they seem to be the happiest, they have had much forgiven them and their joy and gratitude are proportionate. There was a man who had been serving Satan for fifty years, and did not believe in a hereafter; he came to the chapel one night out of curiosity and was convinced what an enormous sinner he had been all his life. The night was spent in calling upon God to have mercy, and He who never yet cast out the seeking sinner heard this man's prayer; but there was no room for Tom Paine and the Bible in the samehouse, so the former had to be destroyed to make room for the latter. Again, there was a little boy who sorrowedvery much on account of sin; when the mother found what was the cause of her son's agony, she also began to think she had been serving the wrong master; the influence then spread to the father and sisters, until the whole household were led to the foot of the cross. This is not the only case where a whole family has been brought to the knowledge of God. Let us pray then that the Lord will continue to count his converts by families. W.
From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume VI, page 119.