During the past week three special revival services have been held in Ebeneezer chapel, Ratcliff Highway (one of the darkest places in the east of London), Messrs Jeffcock and Ord being the preachers. These services have been much blessed and many precious souls have been brought to know the Lord. On Friday, in answer to an invitation after ethe service, a great number of anxious ones adjourned to the vestry for further prayer and counsel. It was a time of exceeding refreshing; many were led to pray who had never prayed before. The work of the Holy Spirit was evidenced in the sobs, sighs and tears of the penitence. Towards the close of this meeting a tall burly sailor rose to his feet and in a voice full of emotion, cried, "bless the Lord, bless the Lord; I do feel happy; and I am glad I came to this meeting. All my sins have gone; I've got a new heart; yes, I feel Jesus has given me a new heart. Oh, I do feel happy now". The sailor was followed by others (men and women) until, in all, 10 precious souls declared that they had found peace in Jesus that night, among whom was a poor fallen one without bonnet or shawl and with hair dishevelled, a veritable Magdalen.
From, 'The Revival', Volume iv, 6th April 1861.
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