Dumfries United Presbyterian Church (1864)

We have just parted from Gordon Forlong. For ten successive nights he has addressed crowded meetings in the United Presbyterian church here; his days being generally spent in visitation from house to house, and in conducting reading meetings with the Lord's people. On one Lord's-day he preached four times; and on the other three times. Intimately associated as Mr Furlong was with our great religious awakening at the period of its greatest power, his visits awakened a fresh interest and have never failed to leave the most salutary fruit. There is reason to believe that on no former occasion, save perhaps the first, has so large a blessing rested on his labours. The Lord's people have been greatly quickened and from the numbers conversed with at the close of the meetings, and since, there is good reason to believe that jewels have been added to the crown of Jesus. "Eternity alone will reveal how very blessed have been the fruits of this visit," was the remark of an intelligent Christian man the day after Mr Furlong left. We have all felt it to be a time of quickening power and venture respectfully to request the Lord's people to join with us in rendering thanks for the power given to his servant in preaching, and for the blessing that followed. Mr Forlong's visit was most opportune. For months before we were enjoying a time of fresh quickening. The attendance at the district prayer meetings was increased, and at our central union prayer meeting there was occasionally a power in prayer when faith seemed to take hold of God. Besides there were cases of conversion occurring of so marked a character as not only to warrant, but which seemed to require, a special notice at our several meetings. All this, while it showed that the Spirit of the Lord was with us in saving power, served to deepen the interest in our friend's visit, and awaken expectation of yet greater blessing.  After the lapse of three years and a half from the commencement of the revival here, I am able to testify that the fruit is most blessed, abundant, and abiding. While we have had cause to mourn disappointed hopes, though various evils have sprung up, sometimes in the most unexpected forms, yet the good fruit so transcendently outbalances the bad, that the voice of thanksgiving for the past mingles in all our supplications for the future.  

"The Revival," May 5th, 1864.

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