Bedworth (1862)

I know you will be pleased to hear of my success in the Lord's vineyard since I was at Lawford. At Bedworth we had a glorious outpouring of the Holy Spirit and many conversions. The congregation increased every night, until there was not room for them. Many found peace at mid­day, some at their own homes; one young wife found peace after the mid-day meeting in a neighbour's house. On her way home she said, "My husband longs to see you." I went with her and found the young man full of fears that he never could be saved, saying, "I am lost," &c. I showed him Jesus, how He came to save the lost, how He died for him, and, in dying, paid his debt. He ventured his soul upon the atonement, and according to his faith it was done unto him. He wrote to me afterwards, and said they had a fellowship meeting on Saturday night; many testified to the glory of God and said they were plucked as brands from the burning that week through your instrumentality. My correspondent further says, "I sent word to my father and mother that the Lord had saved me and my wife, and told them how happy we were." The minister took the letter and read it to the congregation, and it was the means of five finding peace that evening.

From the 'Revival Newspaper', Volume VI, page 256.

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