Great attention to sacred things is manifestation by the people. The prayer meetings, which used to be so very thinly attended, are now held, not once a week, but every evening, and are crowded till there is not room enough for all. The United Presbyterian and Free Church ministers are co-operating harmoniously, presiding at the meetings on alternate evenings. The gladness of the praises of the assemblies, and their seriousness in prayer, are exceedingly impressive. I visited several in their own homes and had no reason to doubt that the Lord had wrought in them a saving change. Some, who had been notable for everything that is evil, have been brought under great concern, and are now clothed, and in their right mind. There is a great Revival also in the hearts of God's own children—great love between Christians of various denominations; and a marked change upon the morality of the people. The Saturday night, which used to be a time of great disturbance and riot, is now, as the people say, like a Sabbath, and some of the public-houses are complaining that they have no custom.-Mr. Rowan at the Glasgow Daily Meeting.
From 'The Revival Newspaper,' Volume i. p124.
The number of apparent conversions is very great. The ministers of the place state that not a day passes without some being brought to see their lost state by nature.
From 'The Revival Newspaper,' Volume i. p182.