Garlieston (1860)

—A correspondent of the Dumfries Standard at Garlieston says: A union prayer meeting has been held in this village weekly for nearly two years. Its special object being to pray for a revival of religion in the parish and neighbourhood. The numerous and decided answers to believing prayer which have come to the knowledge of the originators of this meeting encouraged them to persevere, and they have realised in their own experience the glorious truth that God is the hearer and the answerer of prayer. Many cases of decided conversion to God have taken place in this district during the last twelve months.

During the last few weeks the attention of the inhabitants has been arrested and fixed on the things of eternity, by a remarkable case of "striking down" which occurred on the farm adjoining the village. The subject of this case is a young woman who lived in total neglect of divine things and had never, as far as we know, attended any of the prayer meetings. The Divine Spirit sent home conviction of sin to her heart while she was engaged in her usual employment. So strong and overpowering was the conviction of sin experienced by her, that her physical strength was completely prostrated, and she was confined to her bed in her father's house in Garlieston for a fortnight. The house was crowded from morning till night with people of all ages and conditions, and both sexes, who were struck with astonishment to hear the earnest entreaties to come to Jesus with which she plied all her visitors, till she became completely exhausted. For several days she was blind, and during the second week of her confinement she was so weak that her mother had to lift her head from the pillow when she required a drink of water. Her health is now completely restored; she has resumed her ordinary occupation with a heart full of love to her Saviour, and a strong desire to direct her former companions to the "fountain opened for sin and for uncleanness."

Mr Silas Henn was invited to come and conduct a series of revival meetings in Garlieston. The Rev Mr Young of the Independent Church, Garlieston, cordially entered into the movement, placing his pulpit at the service of Mr Henn, who commenced his labours on Sabbath, the 5th inst, preaching morning and evening, and every night since during the week, except Saturday night, when the meeting was for the special benefit of those with whom he had conversed on previous nights. Every night since the commencement of the present services several persons have embraced the opportunity of conversing with Mr Henn in reference to the salvation of their souls, and about thirty of those who had been in a state of great concern and anxiety, have professed to have found peace through faith in Christ Jesus,

"The Wynd Journal," May 25th, 1861.


A correspondent of the Dumfries Standard says:- The interest evinced during the first week of our Revival services, conducted by Mr Silas Henn, in the Independent Chapel here, has continued unabated during the second week, the meeting last Friday evening being more crowded than any of the preceding, and the people appear to listen with great earnestness to the preaching of the Word and unite in singing the Revival hymns with greater interest and spirit than anything we have ever witnessed in this place. Every night we have a number of anxious inquirers, as many nine persons on one occasion. There being no vestry attached, to the chapel, Mr Henn is obliged to converse with those who are anxious about their salvation in the large pew in front of the pulpit. During the last fortnight fifty-four persons have professed to have found peace with God through believing in Jesus. Some of these cases are very interesting.

In one instance the simple announcement of the text, "No man careth for my soul," was the means of bringing home conviction of sin to the heart. This person went home in a state of great anxiety and obtained peace without having conversed with any of the ministers. Another person, after attending one of the meetings, went home and retired to bed, but she could not sleep; she arose and engaged in prayer and reading the Scriptures until she saw the way of salvation clearly. One woman, deeply anxious, and not able to rest without Christ, left her house, went out to the sea shore, which skirts the village, and all alone kneeled down and cried for mercy. God heard and answered her prayers, and at the close of one of the meetings she came forward and told Mr Henn what God had done for her soul, and thanked him for having been instrumental in her salvation. On another occasion, a father was kneeling in the anxious seat (along with other persons with whom Mr Henn was engaged in conversation in reference to the way of salvation), when his son, a boy twelve or thirteen years of age, rose from his seat and came forward in tears, and knelt down beside his father.

Another evening a mother and her two daughters came forward to confess Christ before the world. Another evening a man and his wife were kneeling together in the anxious seat. On Sabbath morning last, as early as eight o'clock, four young men called on the Rev. Mr Young for conversation about their souls.

"The Wynd Journal," June 1st, 1861.

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