Not only Mull, but Eigg, Rum, and Coll felt the influence of the signal blessing given to Tobermory. In other places in Argyllshire, such as Lochgilphead, Ardrishaig, and Tarbert there have been frequent seasons of reviving.
‘Revivals in the Highlands and Islands’ by Alexander Macrea – Republished in 1998 by Tentmaker Publications.
The revival movement has burst out with renewed vigour here, under the preaching of the Rev. Mr M'Pher-son, of Kilean, who is lecturing every night in the Free Church to crowded audiences; indeed the building is not able to contain the crowds of people who throng to it long ere the appointed hour, eager to procure seats. It is almost impossible to describe the impressions produced upon the people nightly. Suffice it to say that the outward physical signs observed in other places where the revival movement has taken place, is realised here to the full.— West Highland Journal.
"The Scottish Guardian," March 27th, 1860.