Wick (1871)

By this time you will be thinking I have forgotten you, but that is not the case. For the last two weeks I have been on a fishing expedition. For a few days Providence led me to the town of Wick, when He blessed the feeble efforts of His own children, to the conversion of souls. Every night we were there we were taken out to the meetings and many were seeking the way of salvation. Our general mode of procedure was to start from our boats in one band and sing all the way to the meeting place, 'With steady pace the pilgrim moves,' or some other favourite hymn. The people seemed panic-stricken, and a great many were seriously inquiring about the reality of the work of God in our coast, and I am glad to say some have got the blessing, and apparently a good work is begun, glory be to God!

"James Turner, or How to reach the Masses, page 141.

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