A season of refreshing arose in the border districts of Stirlingshire, North Lanarkshire, and Falkirk in August 1866. The awakenings began in Cumbernauld, where visits from Harry Smith and E Asbrown, also of the evangelisation society, produced ‘ an excitement they could not manage,’ The work here proved deep and genuine and soon spread West to Kylsyth and East to Dunipace and Larbert, where fervent consistent prayer for revival had gone on for years, intensifying on news of movements elsewhere in the region. From Larbert the awakening spread further to Camelon and Falkirk where the work, supported by a number of churches continued into 1868.
The Evangelist John Bowles, wrote in February 1868, of ‘ Hundreds… Being converted at Falkirk, Bainsford, Stenhousmuir, Denny, Falkirk and several other places’.
From, "Scotland Ablaze', by Tom Lennie, pages 465/6, published by Christian Focus.
This is to do with the Free Church
The Lord's work which began a few weeks ago in the village of Cumbernauld, has now spread itself, and commenced with mighty power in this town. Crowded meetings are being held nightly in the Independent and Wesleyan Chapels. Large numbers remain to be conversed with about their souls, and many go away professing to have found peace through believing in the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is quite evident from the earnestness which exists that the work is of the Lord. The meetings are of the most solemn kind we have been privileged to attend for several years, and seem to be free from any manifestations of human excitement. The good work is spreading abroad to the neighbouring villages. Condoret and Banton are gathering a share of the blessing. We might quote many instances of apparent conversion amongst the worst characters, but time will not permit.
"The Revivalist," 13th September 1866, page 145.
For more see Kilsyth Community Church.