At Tullibody in Clackmannanshire, there has also been a great blessing received. Some account of Tullibody has already appeared in several publications, for an interesting and extensive work of Grace was manifest there, so far back as May last. The minister, Mr Goldie says: –
“Up to this date, I don’t know of one who has gone back, of those who openly professed to have found the Lord. This is more than I dared to hope for. I had prepared myself and my people for examples of backsliding and apostasy. But perhaps I was wrong. The rapid growth of some stagers me and the growth is rapid in proportion to the time the individual had been, previous to conversion, under the secret training of the Lord. Thirst for the Word and a spirit of prayer, with a longing for greater holiness, are marked features. Up to this date, cases of conversion are for the first time coming to my knowledge. There are some who don’t speak out; but from past experience, I would say the Lord has gone far to work a saving change on them. there are still a good many cases of anxiety and they need to be delicately approached. Some Sabbaths the impression is as deep as it was. Last sabbath it was very much so, not a few being in tears.
A feature of our meetings has of late been a good deal observed. A stranger's voice does not make the impression it once did. The impression is always deepest when pastor and people are by themselves. I account for this partly by the fact that we have got so near to each other and there is such an entire sympathy between us. I know their spiritual states so well, that I often feel myself to be saying the very truth that is suited to them. I estimated the number hopefully converted about 60, but some say that old and young there must be 150. I at least was far within the Mark. The Lord, I believe, is far from being done with us.“
From, 'The Free Church of Scotland Monthly Record, January 1868, page 15.
I think this was the Free church.